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How Zhu Ge Liang Beats His Oppoents In Romance Of The Three Kingdoms

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You are required to turn in one formal analytical paper at the end of this semester. It should be focusing upon the texts that we read/discuss in class. The topic is of your choosing (Double-spaced, font size 12, Times New Roman, 2,000 words). Your paper should provide some unique, original perspectives on the text(s).

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How Zhu Ge Liang beats his Opponents in Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Zhuge Liang is a prime minister of the Shu State for the period of the Three Kingdoms. The many achievements of that statesman and strategist have made the word Zhuge Liang a household name in the Chinese culture. Supernatural powers are attributed to Zhuge due to his wisdom (Besio 61). It was known that Zhuge assisted Liu to organize a large army. Liu becames mesmerized with Zhuge’s wisdom such that during death, Liu said his son to rely on Zhuge’s wisdom. Liu also urged Zhuge to take over the throne in case the son was not in a position to rule (Encyclopædia Britannica 1). In order to appreciate Zhuge Liang, it is essential to look the historical context which existed. After the once-powerful Han Dynasty felled to rebellion, China experienced periods of the most trouble times in history. Although the Han Dynasty was once taken as the “Middle Kingdom,” the dynasty becames fragmented into states in the north, southeast, and southwest. Due to the struggles that ensured supremacy and survival, the era is termed as the Three Kingdoms.
Zhuge beats his opponents through devising plans. In the year 208 C.E, the northern Wei state is advancing southwards to conquer the other two kingdoms and form a empire across the while region (Guanzhong Chapter 46). The leader of the force was Cao Cao and is gaining one victory after another. Eventually, he reaches the banks of Yangtze River and camps there wait for the opponents to come. Across the river, the states of Shu and Wu sense danger and decide to band temporarily to avoid being outnumbered by the north. At this time, Zhuge Liang is given the responsibility of advising the generals of the two states and devising a plan that can allow them to withstand the superior army. Surprisingly, the Wu generals don’t not have confidence in Zhuge and became also jealous of his renowned capabilities. They plan to eliminate Zhuge by requirring him to look for 100,000 arrows within ten days. Zhuge two days to prepare for the operation. He acquires 20 swifting vessels and equipped them with 30 men each (Shen Yun Performing Arts 1). He then proceeds to surround each group with dumy soldiers stuffled with straw. He then leads the boats on across the river. As the boats row near the enemy, a heavy fog covers the entire river. Zhuge orders his soldiers to shout while beat their drums to signal the start of a battle. The enemy soldiers, frighttened by the sound and blind by the fog start firring arrows in the direction of the noise (Guanzhong Chapter 46). Meanwhile, Zhuge positions the fleet in a line so that as soon as the enemy shooted, the arrows lodge into the straw men on the deck. When the straw men have absorbed all the arrows, Zhuge ordered the boats to go home loaded with 100,000 arrow.
Additionally Zhuge defeats his opponents by playing games with his enemies. He presenting a bold front to conceal his unpriparednes to fight which scares away his enemies. In the first Northern Expedition Zhuge does not manage to capture Chang’an because of lose the Battle of Jieting. Due to the loss, Zhuge’s location at Xicheng is in dangers (Weeby 217). The army was engage elsewhere which leaves the city with only an handful of civil officers. Suddenly, Zhuge receives alarming news that an enemy army of more than 15,000 tropes under the command of Sima Yi was approaching (Guanzhong Chapter 95). With only a handful of soldiers to defend him Zhuge finds himself in a hope less situation because the enemy would finally captured him. Nonetheless Zhuge orders his troopes to take down the flags and opened the gates and hide. He takes a seat on the most visible part of the citys wall while wearing a Taoist. Two childrens are beside him while civilian are sweeping the road. Zhuge light some incense strums his lute and begins to chant. From the position, Zhuge could see the vast army approaching. He pretend not to notice them and instead continues to sang and play the lute. When the army eventually reaches the town gates, Sima Yi immediately recognize that it is Zhuge on the wall. As the soldiers continue to enter the unguarded gates, Sima Yi hesitate and hold them back.
After studying Zhuge on the wall Sima Yi orders immediate and speedy retreat (Guanzhong Chapter 95). Zhuge manage to prevent the imminent attack by taking advantage of Sima Yi’s suspicious. Zhuge know that Sima Yi is aware of his effective ambushing and mis direction tactics. Additionally Zhuge has already a reputation of a military tactic who never take risks. Due to Zhuges reputation of military tactics and Sima Yi’s suspicious, it is easy for Sima Yi to believe that enter the city would draw the troopes into an ambush. Sima Yi though that Zhuge might be tainting him and dare him to walk into a trap. The game was obvious such that at some point Sima Yi think that Zhuge might be lonely and despite. However, Sima Yi would not dare find out since he know Zhuge is tactician and he might take his troopes into a trap. The officials are astonish at the event and enquire from Zhuge about why he has chosen to use the tactic. Zh...
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