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The Issue Surrounding Schools In New York City

Essay Instructions:

In a 550 word response, tell me how you think that this issue surrounding schools in New York City referenced here is an offshoot (a relation to) of the problem of redlining, and why.


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The issue surrounding schools in New York City
New York City is facing serious integration problems in various learning institutions. The integration problem is nothing new, of course; the supposedly most diverse city in the world has long had some of the most segregated schools in the country. In recent months, the New York’s battle over schools segregation in some of its fastest-gentrifying neighborhoods. The Upper West Side is another place where the rights of the rich parents are being pitted against the reality of the neighborhood’s demographics. According to Mayor Bill de Blasio, schools in the city are segregated because neighborhoods are also isolated. This is the fundamental reality of housing in New York City. While the parents of all races choose to send their children out of their zones, this overall pattern may make the schools even more segregated. In respect to this, the essay herein seeks to explore whether the segregation issues surrounding P.S. 452 on West 77th Street, a stone’s throw away from the Museum of Natural History is an offshoot of the problem of redlining, and why.
Setting arbitrary diversity standards is a symptom of redlining caused by the policymakers as well as the common tradition in the city. This diversity standard obscures the institutional factors driving racial segregation in education. The New York City's tradition on school choice encourages privileged parents to move to higher-performing, affluent, and often disproportionately white districts, which inevitably leaves behind, and excludes, poor children of black origins in underfunded schools. Redlining in the city has contributed to gentrification in previously underserved neighborhoods, thus squeezing low-income families out of their neighborhoods by raising the cost of living as well as pushing the communities away from their local schools.
P.S. 452 is currently facing a lopsided enrolment, with a ...
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