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The American Politics Literature & Language Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:


Provide thorough and cogent answers to the five questions posed below. Your answers should be well-organized, coherent, and clearly address the required material in the question. Analysis and strength of argument will be an important part of the grading process: I want to see how well you understand and assess the subject matter.

Make sure that the position you take and the argument you make are strongly supported by logical analysis, facts, and examples/citations from the readings. You are not permitted to consult outside sources. Concentrate only on the assigned readings from class.  

1. From your readings, explain how liberal pacifism differs from liberal imperialism and liberal internationalism. Upon developing an understanding of these various forms of liberalisms, explain whether liberal democracy should be imposed on other countries?

2. From the Walt article, explain what bandwagoning is and what balancing is. What are the implications of each? Then explain when do states balance and when do they bandwagon.

3. Using “The Sagebrush State,” explain the structure and function of the Nevada judiciary. Identify the types of courts within the Nevada judicial system. Which level was most recently established in Nevada and why is it significant?

4. What are the differences between a procedural democracy and democratic values? Provide an example of Iran’s political system and Russia’s political system as discussed in class. Next, as discussed in class, explain the relationship between modernization and democratization.

5. Address the four general theories of grand strategy covered in class. Then explain which type promotes isolationism and which type promotes intervention. Finally, discuss which grand strategy is consistent with America’s current strategy in the world.

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American Politics
Question 1
Liberalism is when the foundation of governments is based on the principles of respect for individual liberty with the exercise of restraints and peaceful intentions in the foreign policy with a focus on pacifism, imperialism, and internationalism. Thus, liberal pacifism as Schumpeter describes it is the objectless disposition of the state to the forcible expansion due to the collection of principles that includes individual freedom, political participation, private property, and equal opportunities to uphold the interaction of capitalism and democracy to be the foundation of liberty.
On the other hand, liberal imperialism by Machiavelli is a government with free republics with the best state expansion that guarantees the survival of the state. Thus, it is a classical and mixed republic with no democracy that degenerates to tyranny with popular liberty and political participation coupled with social equality. The expansion of the state brings the citizens together with lack of war that provokes the internal dissensions that might ruin the state. On a separate note, liberal internationalism by Kant is when a state leaves a coherent legacy in the foreign affairs concerning imperialistic and pacifistic legacies. Thus, the liberal republican best accounts for the modern social liberalism with peace with differences in affairs among the liberal states. Nevertheless, such states are prone to wars.
The liberal democracy should not be imposed on other countries due to the differences that exist among the people if different nations concerning categories of liberalism. The differences rely on the nature of man, the state and the international relations. According to Schumpeter, man is rationalized, individualized and democratized and is homogenized with the pursuance of material interest that lie on peaceful trade. Hence, he and his controls are pacifistic. The citizens, according to Machiavelli have diverse goals, seeking to rule and fear domination and extend the rule to dominant elite with avoidance of collapse of politics in their state hence call for the imperial expansion of the state. Lastly, the citizens, according to Kant had diverse goals, individualized and rationalized with the capability to appreciate the moral equality of all and treat other citizens as ends rather than as a means.
Question 2
Bandwagoning and balancing are two forms of international alliances of nations when confronted with significant threats. Nevertheless, bandwagoning refers to the alignment with the source of threat or danger for the statesman who seeks to justify overseas involvement in and or increased the military budget, especially in cold war era. A weak state uses bandwagoning strategy as the outgunned state aligns itself with the stronger adversary as the stronger state takes anything it wants by force. Contrarily, balancing is a strategy of allying with other nations against the prevailing threat. Thus, the states do balancing when states are more secure as the aggressor will face combined opposition. Separately, states do bandwagoning when the security is scarce than those of the aggressors or source of danger as the aggressors will attack the additional allies enhancing their power. The opponents, on the other hand, reduce in their power when in Bandwagoning alliance.
Balancing alliance results in the enhancement of national security due to the distribution of military capability whereby no one state is stronger than the other leading to no alliance handicap. On the other hand, bandwagoning strategy leads to a loss of power by the weaker state while the stronger state enhances its dictates to the weaker nations.
Question 3
The Sagebrush State by Michael W. Bowers indicates that the judiciary system of Nevada includes the state court system and two federal courts. The judiciary brand as the Supreme Court, the intermediate ...
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