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The Hamlet: My Reaction

Essay Instructions:

I upload a sheet and answer the question No.3, use some citation from the hamlet, but only use the hamlet act 1 scene 1,2 and citation marked as (act I, i or ii, Line number).

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The Hamlet
As a thinker, I love paying attention to things around me and I always keep an eye on the activities of my relatives and friends. This is not because I want to harm them in any way; it is only because I want to be around them in case of an emergency. I think too much of my friends and want to be loyal to them just like Horatio is sincere and loyal to Hamlet in The Hamlet. The theme of friendship is seen in this novel which is written by American author William Faulkner.
The relationship between Horatio and Hamlet has a lot to learn from, especially I have learned many new things from the character of Horatio. I have found him to be acting as a hero in the life of a friend and have learned how to stand by a friend’s side in uncertain situations. Previously, I used to think less of my companions and was basically a carefree individual. However, I got to read The Hamlet and the role of Horatio looked interesting and informative to me.
Horatio is the only person that Hamlet truly trusts during the play, and this is what I think of becoming in my personal life. I want to win the trust of all of my friends and cousins, and for this purpose, I bring them out with me, help them in studies and sometimes prepare food for them. Horatio was a student at Wittenburg where Hamlet studied, and the wa...
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