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Metaphorical Perspectives in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Novel

Essay Instructions:

Write on any of the books or commits or movies discussed in class. Choices: Brave New World, The Matrix, Kindred, The Prestige, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

Write on one book, and narrow down the topic.

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A Critical Analysis of the Metaphorical Perspectives in Douglas Adams’ the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Novel
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is a novel written by Douglas Adams with the aim of undertaking a critical review of the apparent futilities presented by the life of a human being and the unknown reasons underlying the existence of man. Douglas Adam chooses to adopt a sense of humor to explain the multiple occasions in which human beings have made unsuccessful attempts of discovering the inherent purposes of their lives. The sense of humor is revealed by the fact that after all undertakings to find the supposed end and purpose of human life, it is discovered that life is not the end of man but the journey that must be accomplished. Consequently, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy gives a representation of life as an aspect that depicts a cross-generational and a sustaining appeal. The novel embraces some metaphorical representations to give a new shape for the purpose of human life as a hidden secret. In particular, Adams chose to embrace metaphorical representations as a way of convincing his audience that the answers to some of the burning questions presented by the experiences of life cannot be adequately answered.
On the contrary, the situations of life only present people with multiple parallels that play a significant role in shadowing our realities. According to Fatima and Rasul (2), the symbols adopted by Adams in The Hitchhikers give the readers of this novel a certain hidden dimension of an abstract construct and shortcut aimed at fostering a deeper comprehension of ideas. The aforementioned metaphorical issues are highly possible because human beings have the innate potency of establishing a link to certain abstract concepts by the use of linguistic allegories and mind based heuristics that play a central role in fostering learning. Considering the choice taken by Douglas Adams to adopt allegorical representations in his works of literature, the current study seeks to undertake a critical analysis of the metaphorical perspectives adopted by this author in The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy novel.
The Rhetorical Contexts of Douglas Adams’ the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy was first presented to its viewers in 1978 in an array of forms. Montйvil and Pocheville (37) explain that the storyline was originally presented in the form of radio comedy and later expanded to embrace the dimensions of books, stage shows, video games, and television series. The authorizations put in place by Adams to exploit his works of creativity made immense contributions to the fields of literature and pop philosophies on either side of the Atlantic. For instance, Joll (3) reveals that the presentation availed the globe of literature with the phrase “don’t panic” as well as the ideology of the Babel Fish. The novel form of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy adopts very little of the storyline presented by its book and radio versions probably due to the issues of the time. Considering the enormous nature of the universe adopted by the filmmaker in the Hitchhikers novel, Adams makes use flash forwarding and flashback devices of literature to give a chronological recount of his sense of worldview as presented by the varied aspects of metaphor.
The use of the Guide Metaphor
As the narrative commences, the audience is familiarized with a clear guide as a way of facilitating a repository comprehension of the “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” that plays the role of a narrator to the completion of the novel. For instance, the speaker adopts simplistic visual guides, insipid animations, and simple primary colors to give the audience a clear view of what is expected by the use of unpretentious presentations. Despite its efficacy in adopting a comedic diction and timing, the voice was chosen by Adams at the start of the novel plays a crucial role in adding depth to the intended task of a talking book. Montйvil and Pocheville (38) reveal that the preceding scenes of the novel play a disruptive role in alienating the original primitive tone presented by the two-dimensional cartoons embraced to give a clear background of the scene, and ensuring that the audience is sailed back to the original mode of action without destructing the building momentum.
Adams’ move to adopt the “book” as the narrator plays a metaphorical role of fostering the audience’s predilection of the underlying facts in a way that is absolute. Montйvil and Pocheville (37) explain that Adams uses the “book” to give a clear reflection of how human beings have moved towards embracing the character of referencing written scholarly materials. They do this while distrusting their fellow men as the ultimate originators of the content inscribed in these books, an aspect that gives a flawed perception of the written information as the conclusive avenue of mediating the information under consideration. On the other hand, Fatima and Rasul (3) reveal that the “book” plays an allegorical role of revealing how readers tend to accord particular significance on written information while forgetting the fact that people are the central sources of these materials as no book was ever conceived without proper involvement of the efforts of humankind. This explains why Adams chooses to advance the ideology of a compact and all-knowing book in the form of an encyclopedia long before the inception of the internet. According to Joll (3), The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy plays a significant role in speaking to the voracious quests for knowledge depicted by the humankind. The insatiable quest for knowledge is even evident in the current societal settings. For instance, the inception of search engines has been of great essence in availing information seekers with any form of content. In the same way, the internet acts as a fully developed repository of information, so is the “Guide” in availing film characters with the content they desire.
Man’s potency to read and write has been an essential cue since the discovery of the art of scratching hieroglyphs on stones. According to Fatima and Rasul (1), the ability to make inscriptions increases the possibility that the subsequent lineages will remember an individual. On the other hand, the researcher explains that the inherent ability of reading presents people with the potencies of acquiring the knowledge that was made available by the previous generations as well as gaining a clear ...
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