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Top Girls vs. Everybody by Jacobs-Jenkins demonstrate Post-Modernism?

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Post Modernism
Post modernism is a very wide movement that developed from the mid t the late 20th Century. This theory cut across philosophy, architecture, arts, and criticism leading to the commencing of a new era. The term is majorly used in reference to the modern era which is up to date (Niall et al., 10). Among notable literary works, Caryl Churchill’s Top Girls and Branden Jacob-Jenkins’ Everybody are two plays that on a broad way depict post modernism. Reading through the plays illustrates how post modernism is portrayed and how they relate to and still use naturalism and tragedy. These themes have been well related to what the 21st Century world is facing in trying to live through the changing times.
Naturalism is the belief that every arises or happens from natural forces or causes and nothing else. This belief discards the thought of supernatural powers and spiritual explanations. On a literature point of view, however, naturalism is the style and concept of illustration which is grounded on the correct portrayal of detail (Keith, 15). Tragedy on the other hand is an event that results to suffering, destruction or even death. Literature people do refer to tragedy as a play that results in blue endings or heartbreaking events, mostly, the downfall of the protagonist(s) (Newton, 7). the occurrences in the two plays, Top Girls and Everybody have applied the sense of tragedy and naturalism in bringing out the sense of post modernism.
Post Modernism
Post modernism is one amplified theme in the two plays; Top Girls and Everybody. From the setting and characterization, Churchill and Branden have really worked to ensure that major issues faced in the 21st Century are well featured. In the play Top Girls, we are introduced to feminism, a concept that was really shunned in the 20th Century dating backwards, notwithstanding great female monarchs like Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth I. the beginning of the play (Top Girls) brings to play four ladies at a restaurant talking about their experiences in trying to maneuver their lives. Each lady talks of the struggle they have undergone for their survival.
One distinct character that pushes for post modernism is Marlene. Marlene is a lady who is a low class but she works hard to climb the ladder. She is portrayed as a person who believes that money, power and social status should be earned through hard work rather than a class one is born in. In early British Kingdom, nobility and royalty used to determine whether or not somebody was important in the society, regardless of the potential and skills one had. Marlene however goes against all odds to ensure that she makes a name for herself. In the Top Girls’ Employment Agency, which is run by Marlene, we find that ladies are doing masculine jobs. It is funny that Marlene advices the ladies to adopt male characters so as to secure and maintain employment. Today women are really excelling in what was anciently perceived to be male roles in the society.
Being an ambitious lady who is not satisfied with her current state, Marlene has to adopt some things that will have to see her through. Some of the things are good while others seem to have gone overboard. One such is when she leaves her daughter, Angie, in the custody of her sister. It is traditional for mothers to take care of there children until the age that they can fend for themselves. Marlene, however, throws all care to the wind and drives herself deep into her career. She takes little to no care for her child which causes a feud between her and her sister. Even in modern days, it is commonplace to see mothers leaving their children to house girls, day cares or even relatives so that they can pursue their demanding careers. This is something that was not welcomed in the ancient life, where by a woman had to care for her child irrespective of her career. In fact, women used to be given long maternal breaks to take care of their new born.
Branden’s Everybody also amplifies the theme of post modernism widely. The major thing in play is that the play is an adaptation of a 15th Century play called Everyone. Though the plot and story are the same, the characterization is altered. We find some names are changed. The general effect of changing names is that characteri...
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