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What Influences Future Reading and Writing

Essay Instructions:

ü Introductory Paragraph – Should include a hook and an overview about what you have learned in this course. End the introductory paragraph with a thesis statement (an outline about the rest of the paper).

ü Body Paragraph 1, 2 and 3- Discuss one -two concepts from the above list in each body paragraph.  For each concept, include a definition and explanation, how the concept is important when you are reading & writing and how understanding this concept will be important in your future reading and writing.

ü Conclusion Paragraph – Draw the essay to a close with a well-written paragraph.  Include the importance of what you have learned about and how you will continue to use these concepts in your future course work or career.  Restate your thesis in this paragraph and conclude with something memorable and powerful.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name:
Reading Response
I believe I am the most improved and consistent student this semester. Well, there are many reasons why I strongly believe in this. The first one is that I came to accept my mistakes and became comfortable with where I am as I work to ensure that I get to where I wish to be. The second reason is that I have grown comfortable with myself and at the moment, I am always ready to hold myself accountable to the standards that I set. I have also learned a lot about myself and feel confident in my current position which may not be as strong as I wanted it to be but is strong nonetheless. In this semester, my goal was to study myself and learn ways I seem to impede my learning. Well, this has worked well for me, and I have learned how I can be a barrier to my learning goals. I have also learned to appreciate all the little goals and victories that I have in my life. Acknowledging everything I have gone through regardless of its size has helped me to improve gradually this semester and to appreciate the little steps I have made. In this particular article, I seek to expound on four concepts that I learned in this course as well as show how these concepts are essential when am either reading or writing.
The first concept is procrastination which simply means the act or habit of postponing. Well, few know how this concept influences their lives as well as how important it is especially when asked to write or read a text. Procrastination is the little voice that tells someone to do something later. Having taken out a book to read or an essay to write, procrastinating leads someone to put things aside and involve themselves with other things. For example, having been given a writing assignment, there is always the temptation to do it later or to put it aside and focus on other things. This temptation often leads to doing a writing assignment late and submitting a job that is subpar in quality. Procrastination can be a problem to someone because a person will always be comfortable and entertain the habit of doing things late. In the end, a person finds themselves with a habit that always puts them at crossroads with other people. An understanding of this concept will indeed be important to my future reading and writing because it will help me plan. Instead of procrastinating, I will seek to plan my time and always do everything early instead of rushing when the deadline is nigh.
The next concept that I believe will greatly influence my future reading and writing is bias. Bias is simply defined as the inclination towards an idea or perspective or a person while neglecting the other possibilities. This term can change the ideas being communicated and lead to the communication of a totally different topic. While reading a book, it is possible to ignore certain concepts or ideas simply because one’s bias directs them to their preferred viewpoint. Bias can influence one’s thinking as well and make a person skewed towards people. There are instances when a person appears to like a certain group of people more than others. This is also bias or prejudice which is synonymous to being biased. However, knowing and understanding this concept will indeed be of great help to me in my future reading and writing. One of the ways I believe it will help me is through accepting ideas and other viewpoints. It is possible to be biased towards one’s thinking and ideas. This makes it difficult to acknowledge anything good that comes from the other side regardless of how good a point or perspective might be. So, it helps to leave room for consideration especially when one does not have all the answers.
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