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Doping should not be allowed in sports

Essay Instructions:

Major Paper III: Writing to Persuade

Purpose and Description

The work you have completed up to this point in the semester has prepared you to join a conversation as an informed, thoughtful, and persuasive writer. Among other things, you have identified relevant topics, gathered various types of information, and analyzed a range of arguments. Your aim, now, will be to compose an argumentative essay in which you position yourself within an “conversation” involving your topic. Please consider the following as you undertake this assignment.

Invention and Inquiry

Gather together the resources you have developed in the first two projects;

Identify the core problem or exigence that motivates the conversation;

Note the different perspectives represented in the conversation;

Consider where you stand with respect to core problem and competing perspectives;

Draft a thesis statement in which you position yourself within the conversation.

The Composing Process

Introduce your topic and define the scope of your paper;

Offer some background on your topic and why it should be of interest to readers;

Use your sources to inform your audience but also strengthen your own position;

Draw a conclusion about the topic that adds something new to the conversation;

Conclude your essay by pointing toward additional research and analysis that can be done to better understand the issue as part of an ongoing conversation.

The audience for this assignment is your instructor, your classmates, and, in general, anyone who can access and read information online. You should anticipate that readers have some education and knowledge of the subject but do not necessarily possess a clear or complete understanding of it. Your aim, ultimately, should be to move your readers in some way: whether to shift their thinking about the topic or to motivate them to take a particular action (or both).

Specific Requirements

Your essay should:

Articulate and develop a clear and compelling thesis;

Position your argument within a recognizable conversation;

Include a minimum of 5-6 sources;

Be written in a clear, precise, and active prose style;

Include a title that reflects the spirit and scope of the essay;

Be 6-7 pages in length (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman typeface);

Be uploaded to Canvas as a PDF or Word document by the deadline (Dec. 3).

The work of joining a conversation is not easy. As you have learned throughout the course, it requires careful research and an ongoing commitment to learning from what others have to say; more that, it also involves having something novel to say on your own. Your goal for this paper should be to demonstrate your knowledge of the topic you have researched and reflect a skilled approach of someone who is committed to his or her craft—a writer who not only has something meaningful to say but one who can also say it well. Please contact me if you have questions about this assignment or anything else related to the course.

Use the 5 sources I provide within the work citied page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Due Date:
Doping Should not be Allowed in Sports
Mankind is naturally competitive, and it is in everyone’s nature to want to be number one or to achieve a certain feat. However, this want often happens to get the best of mankind, and some people use whichever means to try and increase their advantage over their counterparts. Well, in athletics, this simple act of increasing one’s advantage has led to a lot of buzz in the past few years with several athletes retired and active having to pay fines and relinquishing their titles. The name given to individuals who seek to increase their performance is dopers, and the act is doping. People have debated over the issue of doping, and there is still a divide between the sides as one still believes that doping should be made legal, and the other believes that the prohibition of doping should stand. Athletes dope for different reasons but the main one is to help them increase their competitive advantage over their counterparts. It might seem unfair to some, but others believe it is not wrong and that instead of prohibiting doping, athletes should be allowed to use performance-enhancing drugs. This article seeks to counter this notion and argues that doping should remain illegal, and this is mainly because it will enhance unfairness in sports, introduce newer and complex regulations, endanger the lives of athletes, and destroy the image of sports.
Allowing doping will indeed enhance unfairness in sports. This will happen because legalizing doping will give the rich and wealthy athletes the advantage because they will have access to whichever drugs that the markets have available. The notion that allowing doping will lead to fairness in sports is indeed distorted because it will favor some athletes leaving the rest to find whichever drugs or means to allow them to remain competitive. Today, there is a lot of unfairness which is not brought about by doping but by the training kits and services some athletes have access to. However, regardless of the differing kits and services and trainers, some athletes can fight for their positions and win in spite of their situations. These athletes defeat the rich and wealthy athletes because of their hard work and not doping. Introducing doping will ensure that such feats are never possible because the rich and wealthy will have everything in their favor. Additionally, it may not be surprising to see countries invest billions in helping ensure that their athletes get the best drugs further enhancing unfairness. Burnett (2016) notes that “countries like the US and China would have the resources and infrastructure to obtain the best performance enhancers for their athletes and maximize their safety when using them.” Developing countries, on the other hand, will be left to make do with the little resources and the available drugs.
Secondly, allowing doping will also lead to more regulations which means that more money will be spent. While it may not be an expensive venture to come up with regulations, it costs a lot to implement the developed regulations. Burnett (2016) notes that “we’d likely end up with more regulation as well, as organizations have to determine which drugs are allowed where and when to ensure fairness in the contest.” This will be a major disadvantage because it would mean more money will have to be spent as the athletics bodies seek to ensure fairness. For example, athletes who run the 100 meters race will need to have regulations that differ with the regulations for athletes who run the 10,000 meters marathon. There will have to be several clauses which seek to explain to the athletes where their boundaries lie. Implementing these will also require a team of professionals, and this means more money will have to be spent if it is to be a success. In the end, doping will have complicated things and increased expenditure on issues regarding regulations.
Doping will lead to the destruction of the image of sports. The question, what is sports about, is one that makes the act of prohibiting doping crucial. Sports is not about who wins or who loses. It is not about the country that emerges the top during the Olympics. Sports is much more than people wearing shorts and chasing after one round ball. Sports is a movement that brings about people together and in a single month or week or year brings the world together. It is true that people tend to glorify those who won, but this is not the essence of sports. The essence of sports lies in what it has been able to achieve throughout the years. Young children identify with athletes who they consider their heroes. However, allowing doping interferes with all of this. Doping, Boyle (2013) notes, destroys the image young boys and girls have of sports. Instead of working hard, athletes even at the high-school level will be using performance-enhancing drugs to help them beat their opponents. On the other ...
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