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People Who Sacrificed Their Lives for a Cause

Essay Instructions:

Length: 1,000 – 1,500 words (approximately 4-6 pages)

Assignment Description:

Your choices for this assignment consist of three options.

Assignment Outcomes:

This essay will demonstrate your ability to conduct research and incorporate that research into an analysis of a literary text or an argumentative essay. You should use a minimum number of two (2) secondary sources for each option. These secondary sources may consist of reference articles (eg. Encyclopedia Britannica, Oxford Reference database, DNB) or journal articles.


Our option: Suffragette(the movie)

Emily Wilding Davison sacrificed herself for the women’s suffrage movement. Review another example of someone who has sacrificed his or her life in the name of a cause. In some cases, the sacrifice is continuing to argue for support for the cause, knowing that death threats have been made against that person. What do we make of such people? Do their sacrifices always affect the change that they hope to inspire? Is such a sacrifice worthwhile, or is it a waste of a life? Compare and contrast the example you use with Davison’s story, as represented in the film.

Other examples of those who have sacrificed their lives for a cause include, Mahatma Gandhi.

Assignment Specifications:

1. Your introduction should, at the very least, introduce the film and the subject of your essay. Your thesis statement will appear at the end of your introduction.

2. Each paragraph will have a topic sentence.

3. Recall that, when you write about literature, you must use the present tense.

4. A minimum of three quotes must appear in your essay, forming part of the evidence for

your argument. These quotes will be cited according to MLA style. Review Broadview’s section on formatting quotations, integrating quotations (560-65), and using signal phrases (565-66) to introduce quotations. AVOID using “states” to introduce all of your quotations. NOTE: No long prose quotations (561). Refer to “Using Quotations” (Blackboard) for further information on formatting quotations.

5. Any quotation embedded in your writing needs to be properly cited. Review Broadview’s section on in-text citations (567-74) for explanations and samples of how to properly cite your quotations and/or “Using Quotations”.

6. Recall that your essay should have a formal, academic tone and that your classmates are your audience.

7. Your conclusion should rephrase your thesis and summarize the points of your analysis.

8. Essays must be formatted (page setup) according to MLA style. Consult Broadview (606-621).

9. A Works Cited page is required and must also follow MLA format. A Works Consulted page may be required and must also follow MLA format. Consult Broadview (628-32).

10. Your essay should be four to six pages long. This length does not include the Works Cited or Works Consulted pages.

11. Consult the feedback sheet that will be used during the assessment of your essay. It is included in this assignment.

12. Submit finished essay, on 4 Dec.

Need to watch the 1.5 hrs movie Suffragette and then relate it to our person of research that is Mahatma Gandhi.

Need to get atleast an A- or B+ on this essay to pass class.

Hey please let me know if any instructions are unclear. This paper is supposed to be a research essay where my person is Mahatma Gandhi and his dedication to the cause of freedom in India and I need to relate this dedication to Emily Pankhurst's dedication towards the cause of woman's suffrage in the U.K. by forming an argument, thesis. In the class they made us watch the 1.5 hrs movie called "Suffragette" in order to grasp the idea of the movement, I would strongly suggest you take out the time to review that movie and cause. I will leave the rest to you since you are an expert. Thank You. please message me for any questions at all.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
People Who Sacrificed Their Lives for a Cause
Nothing in life comes easy. One must give up something for a cause or ideal that they believe. On an individual scale, the sacrifice does not look too big. However, when one has to sacrifice their lives for the sake of others, the scale is exponentially amplified. History books are rich with examples of people who were ready to lay down their lives for a greater cause. Most of the rights and privileges that we enjoy were earned mostly as a result of the great sacrifices made by those who came before us. The motivations behind these people were different, but the results were usually similar; a message was passed, laying the groundwork for the change that they agitated for. The motivations range from unshakable beliefs and various sacred values, both secular and religious. To explore this topic further, this paper will discuss the sacrifices portrayed in the movie, Suffragette, as well as the life of Mahatma Gandhi. The effects of their sacrifices will also be looked at it. Based on the examples analyzed, sacrifices are worthwhile and not a waste of life.
Women’s Suffrage
Women’s voting rights were earned following a long struggle that frequently required the suffragists to make huge sacrifices. Traditionally, women did not possess voting rights. Advocacy for women’s suffrage, the right of women to vote gained momentum in the 19th century, leading to slow but sure gains in various countries around the world. However, the fight did not just give women the right to vote but also challenged the notion of their perceived mental and physical inferiority (Holton). The efforts of suffragists have been immortalized in works of art such as the Suffragette. The 2015 movie depicts women’s suffrage in the UK. It stars Meryl Streep, Carey Mulligan, Helena Bonham, Natalie Press, among others. It is set in the early 20th century. Maud Watts, a young laundry worker, finds herself in a suffragette protest that leads to her arrest and imprisonment for a week. In jail, she meets Emily Davison, a seasoned suffragist who introduces her to more suffragists. To gain more attention, the suffragists plan to attend the Derby, where the King would be in attendance. Unfortunately, only Emily and Maud show up, and they decide to go on with their plan. Emily runs onto the track and is trampled to death. Her action truly resonates with the “deeds, not words” slogan advanced by the suffragette. She had sacrificed her life for the suffrage. Her funeral is broadcast throughout the world and ultimately leads to women getting the rights to vote and own children. This is a classic example of a life being laid for a higher cause.
Mahatma Gandhi
Born in 1869, Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian activist who led the independence movement in India. Using non-violent disobedience means, he ushered India into independence and in the process created several civil rights and freedom movements all around the world. In 1930, he orchestrated the challenge on British-imposed salt tax among the Indians. He was also involved in several other non-violent challenges that led to several imprisonments in both India and South Africa. He led a simple life dedicated to service to others, but his vision for an independent India remained unshaken. He believed in religious pluralism, a belief that was challenged following religious violence that broke after India gained independence fr...
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