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Phase V Journal of Marketing Research

Essay Instructions:

Phase V (20 Points; Due: November 29, 2018): Write a summary report. Briefly present all the information and insights you gathered and developed during this project. Develop and present several thoughtful conclusions based on the earlier phases of the project. Perhaps you can make suggestions for the organization or for policymakers. Or you can discuss the strengths and shortcomings of a specific theory in organizational communication.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Part V
Mass media is described as a collection of technologies that are conceptually developed with the aim of reaching a larger audience. Therefore, mass media is considered as one of the most effective avenues of communicating the desired information to a greater majority of the generalized public. Over the years, newspapers, television, the internet, radio have been considered as the key platforms of delivering the desired content to the larger public. Multiple mass media companies have been established across the globe to foster processes such as advertising, political communication, spreading propaganda, public relations and advertising. While the Walt Disney Company is considered as one of the most populous mass media organizations, other firms such as The NBC Television Network and Fox Broadcasting Company have taken the center stage to acquire a global position. Mass media plays a crucial role in influencing the social, political and economic viewpoints of the public, acting as a watchdog of the society, and holding government agencies responsible for certain unscrupulous acts through public debates.
Despite the aforementioned positive effects and influences of mass media on the public, there are tendencies that some companies in this industry may undertake manipulative activities to present the public with distorted information. One such company is the Beijing based Word of Mouth Interactive (IWOM) that offers its clients with word of mouth internet marketing and public relations services to foster reputation management. IWOM presents a negative image of public relations organizations based on its dishonest operations. According to Baker, Donthu and Kumar (2016), the company thrives its business activities by masquerading its image marketing operations through incorporation of unscrupulous activities that involve bri...
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