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Themed Essay. Values Promoting Life Fulfillment Paper

Essay Instructions:

What values do you think are important to a person in order that they will have a fulfilling life?


Essay 1 – Spring 2019                                                         


For this first essay, students have a choice of genre. They can produce a themed essay   (meditative/persuasive).


MLA style (Times New Roman font, size 12, double-spaced, citations if necessary.  Add a descriptive title and indent all paragraphs.)

Minimum Page Length:  3 full, double-spaced pages (try to get a few lines on page 4)


The Themed Essay

a)      What values do you think are important to a person in order that they will have a fulfilling life?



Your early draft will get a peer reading in class so you can get feedback. Next, you will meet in person with your instructor for a private conference. After that, your Google Docs final version will be read and graded by the instructor. All along this process you will have chances to get feedback and to improve your paper. If you want to earn extra credit (10 points), you can also see a tutor at the Writing Center prior to final submission of your collage.  


Coaching Copy Rubric Example

Rubric:  Paper must show --

“U” - Under Standard




Ability to establish a theme





Appropriate diction and word choice





Writing must show audience awareness





Writing must demonstrate good grammar/syntax/proofreading skills






What you did well: 

What needs revision:

Coaching grade:                                   Final Grade:                                  Average Grade: 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Values Promoting Life Fulfillment
We all want to lead a fulfilling life that is characterized by joy and minimum regrets. Tony Robbins once said that “success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.” These words reveal why we should pursue fulfillment first so that we can enjoy success later. However, what should people do to achieve this fulfillment? Do we need more power, money, or higher status in society to be more fulfilled? The answer to this lies in the values of diversity, commitment, and service to humanity which are encompassed in the theme of relationships.
We live in a global world where people from different nationalities, cultures, race, and religion interact with ease. Such differences can make co-existence and ultimately, fulfillment difficult, hence the need to embrace diversity as a value. In order to lead a fulfilling life, we must be willing to accept and accommodate our differences so that there is no friction between us. Finding fulfillment in life is about the small things in life such as sharing a conversation with our neighbors, experiencing different cultures and food, and traveling to different places. The uniqueness provided by our differences is what makes those things interesting, and we can only be able to enjoy them if we embrace diversity. As noted by Ibrahim, amazing experiences are derived when one meets new people and visits different environments, and this is only possible when one is open to the idea of diversity. Also, embracing diversity also allows us to empathize with people who are different from us and walking their journey, albeit on a limited capacity, can help us lead a fulfilling life. Embracing diversity eliminates any fear we might have because of our differences. What is more fulfilling than living peacefully with each other? My current neighbor practices a different religion from mine and through our interaction I have been able to learn a lot, which has changed my perspective on life. I find that we are very different, but our differences are so interesting such that the quality of life has improved due to this diversity.
Leading a fulfilling life involves deriving joy from within oneself before pursuing fulfillment externally. This is where the value of commitment comes in because focusing on the inner self requires committing to self. We can only be able to give what we have and committing to self allows us to become more self- aware. In turn, self-awareness enables us to determine what makes us fulfilled so that we can pursue fulfillment successfully. Commitment to oneself is essential because b...
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