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Essential Values to Have a Fulfilling Life

Essay Instructions:

Instead of a collage, you may write a themed essay. The theme should be related to one of these questions:

a) What do you think about the millennial generation? Do you agree with the Yale student author who thinks that generation will change the social and work worlds? If so, why? If not, why not?

b) What values do you think are important to a person in order that they will have a fulfilling life?

c) What changes would you like to see in America or the world to make it a better place?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Themed Essay
The purpose of life is to be happy and most importantly to be fulfilled. In traditional African societies, being happy was linked to good fortune. Most people around the world tend to strive for happiness and associate it with pleasure and contentment. If asked, the average person will say that they want to be happy. In most cases, most people mean that they want to live in comfort. That statement sounds so genuine, but the search for happiness has caused a lot of misery. People believe that being content will solve all the problems life throws at us. However, when a person gets what they want, they tend to show their worst behavior. The essay discusses the essential values in life that lead to a fulfilling life.
There is more to life than happiness. One does not have to be rich to be happy. The problem with most people is that they compare themselves with others not understanding that people have different definitions of happiness (Mondfrans& Adrian 44). This is to mean that what makes me happy is not what will amuse you. Also, people are not grateful for the small things in life. Focus on greater things in life makes people experience different levels of happiness. Life is too short to start comparing oneself to others. For one, making use of t the talents we have is one way of being content in life. Most people are happy, not because they have enough, but because they have worked to get where they are.
Happiness is not obtained, it is earned. This means that happiness is not the product but the by-product. It takes a lot to gain happiness. For one, gratitude is essential since we learn how to appreciate others and the things that happen in our lives. Different people have different sources of happiness that do not just come through the snap of a finger. For example, for an entrepreneur, the sleepless nights so that they can come up with an idea or a product is what makes them better than they were the other day. The narrative you give shows the type of obstacles you have faced. If you take extra care of your story, happiness is just among the list of accomplishments you gain. You earn value and most importan...
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