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The Literacy Autobiography Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

ENG 101 Writing Project 1: The Literacy Autobiography Due: Sunday, February 17th by 11:59 p.m. to WebCampus
“When you write, you lay out a line of words. The line of words is a miner's pick, a woodcarver's gouge, a surgeon's probe. You wield it, and it digs a path you follow. Soon you find yourself deep in new territory. Is it a dead end, or have you located the real subject? You will know tomorrow, or this time next year.”
Annie Dillard, The Writing Life
By the end of this writing project, you will be able to:
Use personal experience as evidence to discuss a significant issue
Apply rhetorical concepts such as audience, purpose, and genre to compose an effective text
Apply standard genre conventions for an autobiographical essay including structure, formatting, language usage, and mechanics
Compose a text using the writing process by drafting, reviewing, collaborating, revising, and editingTask
Audience: Other students in 101 and your instructor
Purpose: To reflect on your previous experiences with language, reading, wri mg, and education and make a claim about how these experiences impact you as a writer today
Genre: An autobiographical essay
Conventions: 750-1250 words with MLA citation conventions for in-text citations and a works cited page
Rough Draft Due: Tuesday, February 12th (bring to class and post to WebCampus). Missing (or coming unprepared to) the peer workshop will count as two (2) absences.
Final Draft Due; Sunday, February 17th by 11:59 p.m. to WebCampus
Before you enrolled in English 101, you have had years of experience with language, reading, writing, and learning in school, family, and community settings. These experiences come with you to the classroom and inform how and why you communicate today. For this assignment, you will write an autobiographical essay about your personal experiences with language, reading, writing, and learning. You do not need to write about ajl your experiences with language, reading, writing, and learning. Please don’t such an essay would be very long! Instead, your purpose is to consider a siqnificant ’ experience with language, reading, writing, or learning that has made you who vou are as a writer today. y u yuu ****

As you write this autobiography, you should pay attention to the genre conventions of an autobiographical essay and the rhetorical situation of this assignment. Consider the following questions as you write:
Author. Who are you as a writer, a reader, a college student, or other identity?
How do you wish to represent yourself in your autobiography, and how will you achieve that representation?
Purpose: Given that your purpose is to reflect on a previous literacy experience and how it impacts you as a writer today, how will you achieve this purpose in your essay?
Audience: Given that your audience includes other 101 students and your instructor, how will this audience inform the content, structure, or language of your literacy autobiography? How will you keep your audience engaged in your autobiography?
Genre: Given that your genre is an autobiography, what are the genre conventions (structure, formatting, language usage, and mechanics) that you need to apply?
Content: What experiences will you present in your autobiography? How will you use description and narration to present these experiences? Why are these experiences important to who you are as a writer in college?
Structure: How will you structure your autobiography? What structure will help your audience easily understand your autobiography and its significance?
Language: What linguistic choices will you make in your essay? How formal or informal should your language be? How can you revise and edit your language to meet your rhetorical purpose in the genre?Criteria
Your literacy autobiography will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
Rhetorical choices: Does the literacy autobiography effectively fulfill its purpose and appeal to the audience?
Content choices: Does the literacy autobiography present a significant experience using description and narration?
Genre choices: Does the literacy autobiography effectively apply genre conventions?
Structural choices: Does the literacy autobiography follow a logical arrangement?
Linguistic choices: Does the literacy autobiography use effective language for the genre and rhetorical situation?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name:
The Literacy Autobiography
Growing up in China and attending Chinese-based schools meant that I studied Mandarin from an early age. School for me could be equated to freedom. As am often told, I was a very energetic kid with an aggression that was unmatched at home. So, my parents did all they could to restrain me from exercising my energy. However, the school gave me the opportunity to explode once again and utilize this energy maximally. I loved going to school and this I credit my teachers who made sure that learning was fun for us. We played games in class, recited poems, and did many things that intrigued my budding brain. All my memories of school especially from my childhood days are nostalgic because I enjoyed most if not all of it. It would be wrong for me to claim all the glory for myself because credit goes to my teachers who made sure I enjoyed learning. While this essay seeks to communicate my journey learning, reading, writing, and comprehending the English language, the larger story is that teachers do play an essential role in how students perceive themselves and education.
As already indicated, I learned Mandarin from an early age. However, English was also taught, and I came into contact with it from an early age as well. It is at this point that I learned the four basic skills of English: speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Learning English for me started with learning the 26 letters of the alphabet. Well, this period for me was scary because English felt foreign at the time and something that I could do without. However, our English teacher made sure we were interested in learning the language. To help us grasp the letters of the alphabet, she used poems and songs. So, we learned to recite and sing the letters of the alphabet. It was fun, and I enjoyed being in this class. Aside from the letters of the alphabet, we also learned how to differentiate between upper and lowercase letters as well as trace the letters in words. The use of alphabet puzzles always stands out for me from this period. The teacher made us find the missing letters, and while it was a challenge at first, we slowly grasped the concept and were soon able to d...
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