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Analysis of “The Great Gatsby”

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The Theme is, "How would a man's wealth affect his relationship and social relation?" Need quoted and examples in the book.

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Student Instructor Course Date Analysis of “The Great Gatsby” In The Great Gatsby, wealth makes the world move around and everything and anyone mentioned in the novel seems to revolve around money and wealth. Even the many relationships witnessed in the novel are founded on wealth and money. For instance, the novel reveals that Gatsby’s love for Daisy is based on the wealth she represents which explicates why after returning in the United States from war, he is determined to gather as much wealth as he can regardless of the means in order to be able to please Daisy. This is just one among many such examples that unravels how a man’s wealth would affect his relationship and social relations as a major theme throughout Fitzgerald’s novel, “The Great Gatsby”. Indeed, a man’s wealth significantly shapes his relationship and other social relationships as depicted in the novel. For example, in the novel, Tom uses his status as a wealthy affluent guy to engage in multiple affairs knowing that women such as Myrtle would love him because of his money. Tom is not afraid of breaking his marriage because his relationship with his wife Daisy is founded on wealth given by the fact that they both come from wealthy families. According to the book, “they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together”CITATION Fra16 \p 81 \l 1033 (Fitzgerald 81) Fitzgerald is certainly arguing from the perspective that marriages or relationships that are not founded on wealth and money are bound to break due to tragedy and strife. Notably, unlike Myrtle and George who live among the dirty ashes which symbolizes the plight of the poor, Tom and Dai...
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