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Philosophy: “A Thing, And Its Matter"

Essay Instructions:

Focus on two readings by Yablo and Unger, summarize the debate between or contrast the ideas of the two philosophers on in at least 300 words. Also assess the strength of one of the philosopher's arguments in at least 150 words. Please split as two parts which I can see clearly. First part is at least 300 words. Second part is at least 150 words.

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Name: Institution Affiliation: Instructor: Course: Date: Philosophy Part A Stephen Yablo in his article, the “A thing, and its matter” he explains that thinking does not improve someone eyes, but it helps in interpreting an already existing scene differently. Yablo explains that when given two boxes one containing copper and the other a penny, although the two are indistinguishable, most of the metaphysicians will see the penny as distinct from copper. He stipulates that a penny has the same size, shape, weight, and appearance because it was formed by pressing copper into a specific shape. However, the two are entirely different because while penny is made of copper, copper itself is not made of copper this is because a thing is not made of itself. Additionally, the penny was made in 1909 while copper is billions of years old and penny is rare because of its appearance while copper is regular. Yablo maintains that monists do not deny about the penny and the copper because to them the two are the same thing. While on the other side, pluralists see the two items as being totally different. Peter Unger in his article “There are no ordinary things” he maintains that even though human experience enables people to develop a certain view of reality, it is tempered by a cultural advance which is the same for all cultures. The author emphasizes that the ideas about common sense are badly in error. He says that our concepts about the heap are relevantly incoherent. Unger explains that if there is not heap before, adding a single grain will not create ...
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