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The famous speech, “the light has gone out of our lives”, by Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, following the assassination of M. K. Gandhi.

Essay Instructions:
Some key words to keep in mind when writing an analysis are: Interpretation—if piece is subjective, your analysis could be to find its meaning Evaluation—determining value of a piece is another way to analyze Application—taking the ideas explained an applying them to an actual scenario can be helpful too And most importantly, Critique Whatever piece you are analyzing, and however you are going about it, it is very important to remember that your goal here is to critique the piece in some way. Comment on the piece, don’t just summarize the reading. This is a VERY common pitfall, so be wary! It may be helpful to consider and address: The Elements of Rhetoric—examining the Audience, Purpose, Message, and Tone, may help you in your critique Theoretical Analysis—there are many schools of thought on analyzing literature, and it may be helpful to consider the lenses of:
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Tutor Class Date The Famous Speech of Jawaharlal Nehru From a Marxist viewpoint, Nehru’s speech can be understood as a uniting call for social justice and equality, reverberating the values Gandhi advocated in his support for underserved Indians. However, the reality of Nehru’s dedication to radical transformation and dismantling of entrenched power structures remains an issue of discussion. This paper will critically scrutinize Nehru’s speech, exploring the pressure between its supposed call to action and the intricacies of Nehru’s stance in the Indian elite, eventually questioning the point to which it truly challenges current power dynamics and improves the cause of social justice. The goal is to showcase how the speech impacts Indian society, demonstrating the intricacies of leadership in modern society. Jawaharlal Nehru's audience comprised of the Indian population, who were reeling from the shock of Gandhi’s unexpected death. The speech was meant to console, give hope, and unite a grieving nation while setting a tone of resilience and willpower to carry forward Gandhi’s legacy. For instance, the author states, "…..reminding us of the right path, drawing us from error, taking this ancient country to freedom” (The Wire Staff, para 2). Such statements stress Gadhi’s role in guiding India towards freedom. Moreover, the speech had a multifaceted purpose, such as to honor the good memory of Gandhi and express mutual feelings of grief, emphasizing the need for unity among the Indians throughout the grieving time (The Wire Staff, para 5). Furthermore, he reassured the Indians that regardless of the loss of their mentor, Gandhi's already-instilled values and principles would still guide the Indian people toward independence and progress. The speech's message reflects loss, resilience, and dedication to the principles of non-violence, truth, and harmony. For instance, he states, “The first thing to remember now is that none of us da...
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