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Are Teachers Over-Relying on Technology In US?

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Do you think teachers over-rely on technology in the US?

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Are Teachers Over-Relying on Technology In US?
Given the current advancements in tech ology, it is unavoidable to incorporate it in the classroom. Most students possess smartphones and are able to access the internet at any time that they wish. They even use google to search for answers to the class assignments. In addition, the school curriculum has changed a lot to allow the teacher to incorporate the use of technology in the classroom. However, teachers are over-relying on the technology in the United States of America.
Teachers have abandoned their traditional role of teaching the students every concept outlined in the syllabus and instead, become facilitators that only guide the students on what they should do. This has made some of the students to be insufficient learners because some of them search for answers on the internet for the sake of completing an assignment. The traditional method would allow for direct contact with the teacher hence enhancing the ability of the students to understand concepts. Technologies such as E-learning has replaced the direct contact and students have to email their teachers for them to get educational assistance (Englund, Claire, Anders, Olofsson, and Linda Price 2017). A face-to-face encounter provides students with the courage to enquire on areas that they have not comprehended. Teachers provide a real-time solution hence making it easy for the student to understand. However, the overuse of technology has reduced the quality of education being offered.
In addition, teachers are over-relying on technology due to the immense expenditure that is being projected on the school budgets. Institutions are spending a lot of money on the purchase of electronic devices such as computers. This is an indica...
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