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Shakespeare, Hamlet, and Freud's Interpretation

Essay Instructions:

What are the known facts about Shakespeare? Why is he considered the most influential writer in the English language? You may answer based on the assigned pages in the book and no outside research is expected for these two questions.
In the play Hamlet, the protagonist is often portrayed as someone with a very indecisive personality, especially popularized by the1948 Laurence Olivier's production. What evidence do you find in the play to support this view? Do yo agree with it? On page 1338, Sigmund Freud offers a different perspective. Do you agree with him?
Please note, this assignment is worth 4 points. Your post needs to be at least 400 words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Institutional Affiliation
English 102
English 102: Shakespeare and Hamlet
William Shakespeare is widely acknowledged as the most influential writer in the history of English language. His influence spans from theatre and literature to contemporary movies, Western philosophies, and most importantly, the English language. He was known to play with words and his creativity resulted to his invention of numerous new words in English. Shakespeare’s writings are based on the themes of romance, death, vengeance, misery, distrust, murder, mystic, and covert. “Romeo and Juliet” is one of the most famous love stories he authored, and has been quoted in many literatures around the world. He wrote 37 different plays, with most of theme belonging to poetry genre. Hamlet, the tragedy story is the longest play that Shakespeare wrote. Among his most famous tragedies are Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth and King Lear. Shakespeare’s work has been translated in more than 50 languages across the world. The known facts about Shakespeare is that he was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Aon, England, and while the exact day of his birth is not known, his baptism was on 26th April of that same year. He was married to Anne Hathaway in 1582 and together they had three children. In London, where Shakespeare lived for 25 years, he wrote most of his books while in the city and died at Stratford-upon-Avon his birthplace on April 23 1616 at the age of 52.
In Hamlet, a tragic play, the protagonist is often depicted as someone with a very indecisive personality, particularly popularized ...
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