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Rhetorical Knowledge, Inquiry, and Research

Essay Instructions:


Write a formal, academic argument essay in which you make clear claims about what you achieved in this course in relation to the course goals (listed below). Support those claims with specific evidence from your work in the class and an explanation of that evidence.
Select four of the course goals (at least one from each category) and explain how your writing this term (Rant, I-Search Essay, Mapping the Conversation Essay, Final Project, Final Speech, and other writing and speaking in class) shows that you have met these goals. In other words, make evaluative claims about your writing using these goals as criteria, using your writing as evidence and providing your reasoning.
You will need to refer explicitly to your own projects in the class, which means quoting and referencing your own work as evidence of your writing and learning. I recommend a fully body paragraph for each claim.

Then, in your last body paragraph, either
• select one outcome that you could improve upon. Refer again to specific instances in your work where this skill could have been integrated or demonstrated more successfully. Even though you are all talented and experienced writers, learning to write well remains a lifelong process, so this part invites you to contemplate those things you would like to learn or do better moving forward; or
• select one outcome that you have learned from this class and demonstrated or plan to demonstrate in other courses at Texas Tech. Refer to specific instances where you have already or plan to transfer (apply) these skills to writing situations in other courses.
Your essay should include a brief introduction and conclusion that help a reader: Include a clear statement of purpose and preview your claims about your writing in the introduction, and provide some sort of summary or “move to the future” in your conclusion. Your final self-assessment will be graded based on your abilities to make evaluative claims, support them with evidence and reasoning, organize ideas, write clear and specific prose, and use conventions of Standard Academic English in your writing. Your final draft should have a title and be double-spaced in readable 11–12 pt. font. This essay will likely be about 4 pages long.

Course Goals
Rhetorical Knowledge
• Use key rhetorical concepts through analyzing and composing a variety of texts
• Develop facility in responding to a variety of situations and contexts (academic and nonacademic) calling for purposeful shifts in voice, tone, level of formality, design, medium, and/or structure
• Use a variety of technologies to address a range of audiences
• Read and compose in several genres, understanding how genre conventions shape and are shaped by readers’ and writers’ practices and purposes
• Identify stakeholders and their standpoints on issues of public concern, and identify, explain, and analyze the values informing those standpoints
Inquiry & Research
• Locate and evaluate a variety of primary and secondary research materials
• Summarize, paraphrase, analyze, and synthesize information from a variety of sources in their writing
• Incorporate work created by others in a variety of media (e.g., text, images, sound, video) ethically and effectively for rhetorical purposes
• Apply citation conventions appropriate for genre, purpose, and audience
• Formulate viable research questions, hypotheses, and conclusions
Writing Processes & Craft
• Develop a writing project through multiple drafts
• Develop flexible strategies for reading, drafting, reviewing, collaborating, revising, rewriting, rereading, and editing
• Evaluate the work of others, give useful feedback to others on their writing, and evaluate and incorporate feedback from others in their own writing
• Assess accurately the strengths and weaknesses of their own writing, and develop individual plans for revision and improvement
• Enact revision as substantive change

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Learning is a process, in fact a lifelong process and some point you may need to take a deep look at yourself and reflect on the far long you have come, how much you have achieved and contemplate those things you would like to learn or do better moving forward. Computer games are generally considered to have a negative impact on the growth of children, but the proponent of this notion ignore the fact that computer games have many growth benefits for children. This topic is worth evaluating because when we think about problems, we should learn to understand the both positive side and negative side of the problem. As a matter of fact, many computer games have a positive impact on children's growth: They improve children’s logical thinking; playing computer games can help children to plan and manage resources in their life. Therefore, in this self-evaluating paper, I will make evaluative claims about my writing using the course goals as criteria, using my writing as evidence and providing my reasoning by referring explicitly to my projects in class as evidence of my writing and learning.
Just like any other course, this particular one also has a set of goals which must or should be achieved at the end of learning period. The goals are divided into three broad categories; rhetorical knowledge, Inquiry & Research and lastly, Writing Processes & Craft. Throughout the study of this course, I have been able to achieve a lot which are themselves manifestation of the course goals. For instance, I can formulate viable research questions, hypotheses and Conclusions. This is particularly evident in my Speech Outline class work titled “Effects of Computer Games” where stating “First, I want to ask the classmates two questions in the class. Do you like to play computer games? Do your brothers and sisters like to play computer games? Please raise your hand” (Liu "Speech Outline: Positive Effects of Computer Games, 1"). Even though this was a class presentation, the questions that I posed were not only captivating but very critical to the subject of discussion. I was able to come up with a clear research question that gives the audience or readers a clear picture of the issue I am addressing. It played a key role in drawing the attention the audience (classmates) as well as giving them a clear picture of the topic of discussion (Computer games). The questions posed can equally makes a viable research question in the case of written research. The same can be said of the conclusion which was precise and concise meeting the viability test.
Throughout this course particularly with regard to computer games, I am able to identify stakeholders and their standpoints on issues of public concern, and identify and explain and analyze the values informing those standpoints. The evidence in place precisely pointing towards this claim is the mapping the conversation essay paper which explored the perception of groups/stakeholders which include children, parents, educators, game developers, and the government in order to understand the perception of society regarding computer games (Liu "Influence of Computer Games", 1 & 4-6). Exploring the perception of the children, government, parents and game developers I was able toidentify their standpoints on computer games which is in the present day has become an issue of public concern
Consequently, I am able to identify and explain and analyze the values informing those standpoints. Except for children who generally like video games and are always short of negative comments about them, the rest of stakeholder’s view are on both the negative and positive. In exploring each group’s standpoint, I was able to identify, explain and analyze t...
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