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Persepolis Identity Essay Analysis

Essay Instructions:

1,000 words

Must include three figures/illustrations/maps

Must include 4 sources minimum (not including primary text of study)

For your final assignment, you will extend on the research you presented, building off the analysis you began and transforming this into an essay. This will be an assignment where you will focus on a piece of literature of your choosing, but finding applications with what we have studied this semester. Your job is to use PIE paragraphs to offer a compelling analysis, while also giving a summary of the work for folks who may not be familiar with the text. The expanded text for this final project will also include three additional sources and three figures.

So the book I chose to do analysis is called "Persepolis" by Marjane Satrapi, and I have done a presentation on it. Now I'll need it to turn into an essay. The two themes I focused on is identity crisis and freedom. You can check the manuscript of my presentation.

You can read the book here: https://rhinehartadvancedenglish(dot)weebly(dot)com/uploads/2/2/1/0/22108252/the-complete-persepolis-by.pdf

P.S dont use too hard vocabulary

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Theme of Identity and Freedom in “Persepolis”
Iran is one of the Islamic states known world over as a war-torn country that is yet to experience political stability. This is attributed to the protracted war that it has had with the neighboring Iraq among other countries. However, there is more to learn or appreciate about Iran if viewed in the historical context. Marjane Satrapi in “Persepolis” lays bare what Iran was many centuries ago, what it has been over the years and what it really is in its historical context (Marjane Satrapi, 1). She provides a detailed history and political development of Iran and concludes that “since then, this old and great civilization has been discussed mostly in connection with fundamentalism, fanaticism, and terrorism (Marjane Satrapi, 1). She states that it is the untrue image Iran is portrayed of, based on the judgment of the wrongdoings of a few extremists that necessitated the writing of “Persepolis.” Therefore this research paper will provide analysis of the theme of identity crisis and freedom as they play out in the graphic novel “Persepolis.”
The theme of identity crisis plays out throughout Marjane’s graphic novel and this is evident on how often the author brings them out. There was civil unrest that was marked by endless street protests and demonstrations in Iran and the situation was moving from bad to worse. It is due to the condition that Marjane’s parents decided to send her away to another country in a boarding house run by nuns. Practically, Marnaje became part of the large statistics of Iranians who were fleeing the war-torn country for a safe heaven. Consequently, the past decades have witnessed immense growth of Iranian diaspora community majority of whom established their homes in exile (Malek Amy, 353). Notably, the diaspora community to which Marjane was a member carried with them the new cultures brought about by the cultural revolution in Iran. It is this revolution that makes the theme of identity feature prominently in the book.
Women were the first casualties of cultural revolution in 1980 where wearing of veil was made mandatory. They were required by the new regime to wear veil in all public places and any woman who was found to flout the rule was harassed, assaulted and even raped. This was the genesis of identity crisis in Iran and even thereafter in the diaspora. It was during the same period that girls were separated from boys in school with both having separate classes. Mrarjane was only 10 when this rule of mandatory wearing of veil and gender segregation was introduced. In 1984 she was sent by her family to a French School Vienna when she was a teenager (Zuzanna Olszewska, 212). This had social effects not only on her life but also other girls who were struggling to come to terms with the new rule and the excesses of the new regime.
The issue of identity crisis also plays out largely where Marjane and other girls in diaspora struggled with their looks brought about by wearing veil. Wearing veil did not only make them conspicuous but very distinct from the rest and other girls. While in Austria, Marjane struggled with her identity as she felt that she did not belong there. The struggle with the new look did not end in diaspora but continued even after returned home. Girls who left the war-torn Iran at a younger age like Marjane struggled with their identity and the sense of belonging when they returned to their country (Bailey Martin, n.p). This is evident where Marjane is engulfed with ...
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