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Reflective Cover Letter: Academic Writing

Essay Instructions:

In your reflective cover letter, you are expected to answer the following questions:

1. How has this course changed your knowledge and practice of writing? How has that knowledge evolved as you moved from one assignment to the next in the course?

2. What role did the key terms, course readings, and reflective writing assignments have in changing your knowledge and practice of writing? Which term, reading, or assignment has been the most useful to you? (logos, pathos, ethos)

3. How are you going to apply your new knowledge and practices of writing in other writing situations inside and outside of the university? What are you taking from this course to your daily writing situations? To ENGL 1020(Next level writing class)? To writing assignments in other courses?

4. What are the challenges you still face with writing? How do you plan to improve in these areas in future writing projects? How will your newly developed knowledge and practices of writing help you deal with these challenges? A:( About structure and grammar )

As you answer these questions, you are expected to support your argument from the particular materials in your e-portfolio. Give precise examples as evidence and make clear reference (name of assignment, draft, page number) to help me locate your examples in the portfolio.

I encourage you to be creative in choosing the genre and format of your cover letter. You can choose to write in one of the following genres: an essay, a letter (to your instructor, to a friend, to a future student in this course), an email, or a narrative/story. You can also choose a different genre that you desire but it has to be approved by me. You cannot simply respond in a Question and Answer format.

You may use headings and sub-headings to organize your reflections.

Length: 3 pages double spaced


Unit 1: Literacy Narrative

What Is “Academic” Writing?

Unit 2: Analysis/Evaluation

"Backpacks vs. Briefcases"

Unit 3: Argument

The Argument Assignment

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Professor’s name:
Reflective Cover Letter
Academic writing forms the basis of college or higher education as it is mandatory for students to express their understanding of the different concepts taught in equally diverse disciplines. However, the majority of the students have express reservations or fear when it comes to performing the different writing tasks. Such limitations pose a great challenge to students when it comes to performing such tasks as they struggle to achieve academic excellence across the different subjects or areas of specialty in college. The writing course offers an excellent platform for overcoming the outlined challenges in performing writing tasks as they get to understand the basic requirements for the successful completion of the same and overall improvement in academic performances. Provided herein is a reflection of some of the key takeaways from the course whose insight have been of great input towards enhancing individual writing skills.
The writing course functions to alleviate the misleading myths and fears on the vital academic skill. Contrary to common belief, grammatical knowledge and eloquence in speech do not reflect a person’s ability to produce the same performance in writing CITATION Irv19 \l 1033 (Irvin). The course played a significant role in changing my attitude towards writing as it made it easy to overcome the influence of grammatical knowledge and skills, which was often misleading when performing the tasks CITATION Irv19 \l 1033 (Irvin). The course further enhanced my research, analytical, and contextualizing skills as the key or the foundation for carrying out a writing task from across the different learning disciplines. It is important to make a comprehensive research of the topic question or the instructor’s prompt for a particular writing task as it equips the writer with the relevant material for completing the task as per the instructions CITATION Irv19 \l 1033 (Irvin). Extensive research coupled with excellent analytical skills further enhance the writer’s ability to highlight the main points for the assignment while also coherently arranging them. Contextualizing of both the research materials and the writing task itself further helps the students to maintain the flow of the content and thus maintaining the reader’s attention CITATION Car10 \l 1033 (Carol). The writing course further provided a basis for reviewing and honing writing skills as per the requirements of the writing task for the diverse academic fields. The course further reiterates on the fact that academic writing refers to the presentation of the student’s argument about a point, which they put forth as their understanding of a given concept. The student’s presentation of a given concept based on their understanding forms the basis of academic writ...
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