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Comparing and Contrasting How Rich People and Poor People Act

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Ruth Picinich
Professor Chloe Miller
Literature & Composition II
7 May 2019
Comparing and Contrasting How Rich People and Poor People Act
Unlike animals, human act by reason and it is this ability to reason that guides their thoughts and ideas when it comes to making decisions. This rationality is particularly what makes humans superior over other animals. However, what amounts to rational or irrational decision or behavior is largely subjective. Far from the numerous philosophical theories, how people act depend on mindset and habits (Jason Cabler, n.p). Different people act differently depending on the circumstances and what is at stake. The same can be said of how rich people and poor people behave in different set of circumstances. What is usually at stake with the rich- poor classification is with regard to the subject of wealth of creation and pursuit of socio-economic good. This paper, therefore, seeks to compare and contrast how rich people and poor people act in varied sets of environment and circumstances.
Rich people and poor people have different mindset and habits that always influences and determines how they act in their pursuit of socio-economic good. Management of money is one of the areas that contrast and compare how rich people act and how poor people act. We all know that money is a resource that doesn’t come on a silver platter, but how to manage is a task greater than the acquisition. While rich people know how to manage their money so well, the poor are impractical (Cabler, n.p). Poor people usually have no money to manage but even when that luck strikes, they don’t know how to manage it. The determiner of your financial success or failure is how well you manage your money (Harveker.com, n.p). Poor people usually fail to master or have no clue at all of the vital art of finance in so far as money management is concerned. While the rich have mastered the art of money management and employ it immediately after getting the money, the poor wait until things start going south. It then dawns on them that money needs to be managed properly.
The second difference on how rich people and poor people act is with regard to how they react to certain developments in their journey of wealth creation. It has been argued that “rich people see opportunities and focus on reward; poor people see obstacles and focus on the risk” (Harveker.com, n.p). Rich people appreciate that in order to reap significant financial reward, they need to be risk takers. The attitude that you have towards any economic cause determines your fate because you will only get what you desire. Poor people never see anything positive in what they pursue and the obvious consequence is failure. Poor people focus on risks rather than the reward that such risks may yield.
The rich take the risk with their investment knowing that the reward is worth the risk (Jason, Cabler, n.p). Giving up is never an option for the rich. Losing and winning is a concept that finds its relevance only in sports or elections, but in economics as well, particularly when it comes to wealth creation. Rich people know that winning and losing is part of the game and they can only get either at a time. The poor, however, only want to win and the imagination of losing is enough to agitate them to giving up. Because of the positive mentality, rich people sometimes win and sometimes they lose. When the rich win they celebrate, when they lose they do not frown but smile. They see it as an opportunity and embrace it as ...
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