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"Let Stars Get Paid" by Michael Rosenberg

Essay Instructions:

1. Title: “Let Stars Get Paid” by Michael Rosenberg

2. Read “Let Stars Get Paid” by Michael Rosenberg, pages 516 – 520. 

**3. Write two paragraphs answering Understanding the Essay #1 and #2 on 
page 520. Write two “body” paragraphs as a single essay: expected length 
11⁄2 pages. 

4. Paragraphs must have topic sentences. Topic sentences should be followed 
(supported) by 5-7 supporting sentences. Supporting sentences are to be 
factual and specific. 

5. Be sure to introduce the article in your first paragraph. Your topic sentences 
should answer the questions in such a way as to reveal the questions being 
answered and also indicate the main ideas to be supported in each paragraph. 

6. Paragraphs should include short (several-word or one-line) quotations 
(direct or indirect) followed by author and paragraph number, MLA Style. They should provide information from the article without copying the book, that is, be in your own words. Do not try to make the article write the paper for you.

7. Use MLA format.

8. Include a Work Cited at the end of the paper.

Work Cited: Coley, Thomas, and W. Norton. The Sampler: Short Essays for Composition. 9th ed., 2018, pp. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Understanding Essay: “Let Stars Get Paid” by Michael Rosenberg
Michael Rosenberg’s argument is about paying college athletes is mind jogging. According to Rosenberg, college athletes are being mistreated. Laws do not favour major sports stars while it is lenient to minor sports like swimming. Colleges collect money from the sports but do not pay the athletes, yet they are the ones who generate the money. Instead, they use the cash to pay staff, sponsor athletes and provide food (519). Rosenberg believes that rules are unfair to athletes. He does not argue that they should be paid, but the rules should be fair and apply to all sports people uniformly. Rosenberg wonders why athletes are restricted from taking money from people and entities willing to pay to appreciate their talent (518). He also wonders why it is a crime for a...
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