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Story about Ariely: Questions

Essay Instructions:

There are quite a few downright bizarre revelations in this part of the text. However, one interesting thing Ariely writes about on page 149 is how members of the audience in his lectures would often remark that "they knew it all along." Often, when we come across an idea that makes sense, it seems like we knew it all along, and I feel that way sometimes when I'm reading Ariely.

1. What parts of the reading fall into that category for you? Any? And what about the opposite? What revelations in the text truly surprised you? Be specific and use the text.

2. Ask one, genuine question about the reading you are curious about and want some perspective on from others.

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Answering the Questions
1 What parts of the reading fall into that category for you? Any? And what about the opposite? What revelations in the text truly surprised you? Be specific and use the text.
Chapter five falls into the category of “it makes sense because I knew it all along.” Here, the author discussed why wearing fakes makes us deceive ourselves. When he visited a fashion show, the example witnessed how girls made themselves beautiful by wearing makeup, expensive jewelry, and high-end clothes. They also studied how to properly do the catwalk and make facial expressions (Ariely 87). This part shows that the women in the fashion show try to deceive themselves by acting as perfect and making “perfect” the expected standards for everybody. The following example is when the author saw the original Prada bag and the woman in Chinatown who bought ...
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