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Social Responsibility - Core Curriculum Outcome

Essay Instructions:

Social Responsibility - Core Curriculum Outcome


In this assignment, you will respond to prompts that require you to think critically about the content found in your course so far, including content from Units 1 through 5.

Compose your responses in Microsoft Word and save them. Then, copy and paste your responses here.

Be comprehensive in your response. Address all parts of the questions fully, and demonstrate that you have a complete understanding of the material. A good goal is to write 250-300 words for your response to each question.

Cite references to the textbook and any other materials you use to support your answer using MLA, APA, or Chicago style citations. Do not plagiarize. Note that Wikipedia is not an acceptable source in any college writing. You must include citations.

If you would like to cite from a Video Engager, lecture, or other course content, cite as an online source authored by Kristina Mitchell 2017. Do your best to include all necessary content in your works cited and internal citations.

Generate a thoughtful, critical analysis of the content.

Most importantly, be respectful. Any racism, sexism, homophobia, bigotry, or disrespect of any kind will result in a zero for the assignment. If you are unsure whether what you’re writing is disrespectful, do not write it.

Short Answer Prompt

Respond to both of the following questions (your response should be a total of 500-600 words, or 250-300 words per question).

What is sovereignty? What is the purpose of government? Explain the origins of federalism as a part of American democracy, and the role of states in decision-making in our government.

In Unit 3 you learned about political culture, and in Unit 4, you learned about political representation. First, briefly define the types of political cultures outlined by Elezar. Then, provide a few examples and explanations of representation types (such as, descriptive, proportional, Party Voting, etc.). Finally, explain how a region’s political culture might affect the type of political representation used.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Institution Affiliation: Instructor: Course: Date: Social Responsibility - Core Curriculum Outcome Sovereignty may be defined as the independence and autonomy of a nation or state. Unlike in earlier eras where kings and colonial powers ruled countries in the eighteen and nineteenth century, sovereignty refers to the absolute authority of states with respect to the decisions taken by them about matters concerning their citizenry. Sovereignty stresses non-interference by external powers in the internal affairs of another state. Therefore, a nation or a state is free to decide for themselves and make decisions about their policies and rulers without obstruction from other countries. A government is a political system by which a country or a state is administered and regulated. Ordinarily, a government is critical and it plays different roles. It ensures that peace exists between individuals and nations. Additionally, it promotes sovereignty by ensuring that the citizens are free from outside interference (UShistory.org, p.4). A government achieves this by developing and implementing laws and also by training and arming special groups so that they can defend the country or the state. Also, sometimes, governments may form alliances with other nations to strengthen their efforts in fighting a common enemy. Also, the government provided social programs to its citizens with the aim of improving their quality of life. For example, the Great Society program initiated by President Lyndon Johnson was aimed at eliminating poverty in the entire country. Federalism refers to the system where more than one layer of government has jurisdiction over the same territory. In this system, there is a vertical sharing of powers between the national and state governments. It is also important to note that in federalism, sovereignty is constitutionally divided between the central governing authority which is the federal government and the state governments (Renka, p.6). The founders of federalism in the United States identified several reasons for this form of government. These reasons included allowing citizens to participate more in politics, reduce tyranny and use the states as laboratories for new ideas and programs. The origin of the federalism in America is based on its founding fathers who were natured by the philosophy of enlightenment as well as by the political experiences of the past (Lépine, pp.21-62). States in the United States play a vital role in the decision making of the government. State governments are mainly involved in all areas that are not left exclusively for the federal government. For example, states promote health, safety and the welfare of its citizens (Gaylord, p.2). However, the balance of power between federal and state government has shifted unquestionably in favor of the federal government as some of its programs have encroached on state sovereignty. Political culture refers to the attitudes and practices which are held by people and they also help in shaping their political behavior. Daniel Elazar outlined three political cultures which include moralistic political culture; in this culture, people see the government as a way of improving society and promoting the general welfare. In this political culture, people expect government officials to remain honest and advocate for the people’s interests. In Individualistic political culture, people see the government as a system of addressing concerns that are essential to individual citizens and going after per...
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