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Importance Of Following Orders In The Military. Language Essay

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Importance of Following Orders in the Military.
Various institutions in the world have laid down orders and regulation to be followed and failure of which some come with a hefty punishment. One of these organized institutions is the military. In simple terms, an order is a command or instruction which is issued to an individual by their superior or someone who is higher in the rank and demand or expect the individual to follow the same command without disobeying or thinking twice. On receiving this order, the individual ought to obey it, as there are various aspects dependent on the issued order. In the military, soldiers are trained to follow all and any lawful orders. There are various reasons for orders in the military. For example, during combat there is usually no time to contemplate or debate on command, they need to act and move according to the command given by their superiors. In this respect, soldiers are also trained to reject unlawful orders. An example of these unlawful order may include shooting or threatening to shoot an unarmed civilian. This paper is going to look at the importance of following orders in the military institution.
Instil discipline: orders do play an important role when instilling discipline is concerned. Orders get passed to the subordinates from the superior soldiers to ensure that everyone is working on the same aspect, this is carried out by sharing the required information by the leaders. In the military, obedience which is the act of following the given orders acts as a medium to maintain the orderly military structure that is normally seen. For example, orders issued means by obeying them the involved soldiers become governed in terms of success, safety, and effectiveness and hence the most disciplined thing they can do is to follow the given orders. considering the above statements it is clear that not only do orders instil discipline in the military institution but it also enhance teamwork and make it easy to lead and organize a large number of people.
Developing leaders: a leader exp...
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