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An Interpretative Analysis Of "A Rose For Emily" By William Faulkner

Essay Instructions:

1. The interpretive paper is a short essay of about 3 pages on one story of your choosing.  The texts you choose should be from our reading list in the syllabus.  Since the purpose of the paper is to let you demonstrate your own understanding of a particular literary work, you do not need to cite external sources.  In other respects, the paper should meet the general expectations of any well-developed paper: you need to have an intro, thesis, and conclusion.  It’s always a good idea to name the work under analysis and state your thesis in your intro.  For the body, I expect to see several well-developed paragraphs, with specific evidence cited from the texts to support your interpretation.  In-text citation is the proper format. 
2. Your paper should deal with your understanding of a scene, a description, a character, or some other aspect (for example, how the history or culture is presented) of the text.  Focus on something for which you have some special or unique insight or perspective but which others may not realize or see.  In other words, avoid the obvious in formulating your thesis.  The ideal goal of an interpretative paper is to tell your reader what a particular literary text (or any part of it) means, or how to read and understand it in your way.
3. The paper should conform to the general format of a college paper, as outlined in the syllabus (MLA).  Always double space, including the citations.  Avoid fancy or hard-to-read fonts. For the format of the paper, see pages 20-22 in our textbook, The Bedford Introduction to Literature, 10th ed. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student`s Name Professor`s Name Literature And Language 20 March 2019 An Interpretative Analysis Of "A Rose For Emily" By William Faulkner Introduction The lead female character in the short story "A Rose For Emily," Emily Grierson, was in her madness state when she refused to have the corpse of her deceased father be buried for three days after he died (Faulkner 2). Likewise, Emily was in her denial state of madness when she refused to accept her father's death for three days after he has already passed away (Faulkner 2). Emily must have been excessively attached and dependent on her father while he was still alive. As such, she had a difficult time accepting the fact that he had already passed away upon his death. The excessive attachment and dependence that a person develops over another individual are the likely culprits of the development of bad habits and emotions over time. No person should be excessively dependent on another individual. Nobody can tell the future. If in case, another person dies, the person who suffers the loss would possibly become depressed. Likewise, it is also a negative omen to refuse to bury corpses for a long time after death. The souls of the deceased individuals would not be able to be at peace afterlife if their physical bodies are not buried for a long time upon death. Acceptance and determination are the keys to being able to survive challenges in life. Body Time was indeed wasted as depicted in "A Rose For Emily." Emily wasted time in being submissive to her father's wishes in the short story (Faulkner 1). Emily should have been strong-willed in making her decisions on her own. She should have not continuously allowed her father to disapprove all of her suitors when she was younger. If she had been courageous in making her own decisions in life, Emily would not have been still single at the age of thirty. Emily was an adult. She should have realized that she was legally entitled and capable of making her own decisions in life. Emily wasted time from her youth when she still had the opportunities to entertain the suitors she found interesting when she was younger. Such opportunities were not available to Emily anymore after she had grown even older. Prioritization of social values based on class category similarity was evident in "A Rose For Emily." Homer was not as rich as Emily (Faulkner 3). For this reason, many people...
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