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Metaphors in Poems

Essay Instructions:

What is a metaphor? Please define. Then identify at least three metaphors from the poems assigned (ones to "pay attention to") to explain how these metaphors function to make the poems more effective. Two hundred (200) words or more in 12 point.
It would be helpful to view the following video, but not required.
Walt Whitman Video: Walt Whitman, An American Original
You must post your answer by midnight Friday. The assignment will close at the deadline and no late submissions are accepted.
Poems assigned are:
“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” By William Shakespeare (780-781); “A Noiseless Patient Spider” (Internet); Introduction to Walt Whitman (A Concise Biography: Video); Poem to read: “When I heard the Learn’d Astronomer” by Walt Whitman (1069); “One’s-Self I sing” by Walt Whitman (1069); “Cross Brooklyn Ferry” (online);

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A metaphor is a figure of writing whereby the writer attributes a phrase or word to an action or word that cannot be applicable. It is a symbolic representation of something else.
"Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day?" By William Shakespeare
"compare thee to a summers day" is a metaphor that is used to mean that the lover is as lovely as the summer's day. The summer is known not to last long, and this is an indication that Shakespeare appreciates the lover's beauty as something that will eventually fade away. This metaphor emphasizes the poems meaning that the summer is an indication of the youth.
"A noiseless patient spider" By Walt Whi...
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