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Paolo Pedercini's Lecture

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Use the link in the following pics then find Paolo Pedercini’s lecture, based on his lecturer finish the essay from requirements on another pic.

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Paolo Pedercini is best known for his lectures on gaming software, and IT works. He is basically a game developer, educator, and curator, who teaches experimental game design and digital media production at the School of Art at Carnegie Mellon University. For many years, he has been working on the project titled Molleindustria that is famous the world over for creating interactive games and for addressing numerous environmental and social issues, as well as speaking about the problems of labor, sexuality, and justice. In this particular lecture, he talks about the role of gaming software in everyday life. He thinks that there is no better way to engage students in computer science than teaching them game development. Paolo Pedercini begins his lecture by encouraging the participants to imagine a world in which darkness is spread everywhere. Technology, according to him, acts as a shining star in this world of darkness. A significant number of video games have been developed and introduced to the world until now. These are not only a way to entertain the people but also are used to educate them in one way or the other.
Moving on, he talks about TurboFlex and highlights some of its visual aspects. This single-player game has been developed by La Molleindustria and is widely famous for its outstanding color combinations, unique visuals, and marvelous characters and gameplay. The work on this gaming project has been done according to the market requirements and the expectations of game lovers.
Molleindustria, also known as soft factory or soft industry, is a project of re-appropriation of video games. For over a decade, this project has spawned satirical business simulations (such as McDonald's Video game, Oiligarchy), alienation and mediations on labor (Every day the same dream, Unmanned), alternative SimCities (such as Nova Alea), playable theories (such as To Build a Better Mousetrap and A Short History of the Gaze), and various other experimental games. Under this project, the game developer has introduced various unique ideas, and he clearly mentions that a lot of struggle and efforts are required about what is going on in the world and what the requirement of people is before one could come up with some great visuals or games. In simple words, it can be said that there is no shortcut to achieving success in the gaming industry, and one has to learn the new trends and techniques to ensure both short term and long term success.
He then talks about different types of game playing systems, ranging from simulations and real-time strategy to puzzle, action, massively multiplayer online and stealth shooter. Paolo Pedercini is of the view that it is important to approach every single gaming syst...
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