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Short-Story Critique Literature & Language Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:



1.Why does the reading say it is entirely likely that our interpretations of literature will differ from those of other students, or even one’s professors?

2.What do Formalism and New Criticism focus on? What do these approaches believe the critic should not look at as a way of interpreting what they read?

3.What is feminist criticism, and how has it developed since its inception?

4.What do practitioners of queer theory believe is socially/culturally constructed?

5.What is the difference between Marxism and vulgar Marxism?

6.What does it mean that, for cultural critics, there is no such thing as a privileged text, and no difference between “high” art and “low” art?

7.Postcolonial critics view what authority dynamic as important to literature and literary tastes?

8.How are historical criticism and new historicism linked? How is one the opposite of the other?

9.What specific aspect of characterization do psychological theories focus on?

10.Reader-response theory holds that readers make meaning from what they read through what two parts of the reading process? (Hint: look in the second full paragraph on 1356.) What are these and what do they mean?

11.What sorts of “structures that order our thinking” do structuralist critics look for the influence of in literature?

12.Poststructuralism and deconstruction can hold that no one interpretation is superior to another one (assuming it can be supported based on the literature) because critics who use these approaches believe what about the meaning of a text?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Short-Story Critique Sample Name
Short-Story Critique
Why does the reading say it is entirely likely that our interpretations of literature will differ from those of other students, or even one’s professors?
Because of our interpretations of literature are based on different base theories. If a student approaches their interpretation of given literature text from a particular theory base and the teacher from a different theory base, then they are likely to disagree on what the literature means.
What do Formalism and New Criticism focus on? What do these approaches believe the critic should not look at as a way of interpreting what they read?
Formalism and new criticism focus on elements such as characters, tone, language, and symbols when forming critical opinions of literature. These two approaches believe that the critic should not look at factors outside the literature text when forming their critical opinions.
What is feminist criticism, and how has it developed since its inception?
Feminist criticism is a criticism approach that focuses on how women are portrayed in literature, especially in respect to assumed gender roles. Since its inception feminist criticism has developed into a broader approach, now referred to as gender criticism. Through gender criticism, critics give their opinions regarding certain literature works by examining how different genders are portrayed in them.
What do practitioners of queer theory believe is socially/culturally constructed?
Gender. Practitioners of queer theory do not believe that gender is something that comes naturally. Instead, it was established by humans to differentiate the roles and attitudes that men and women should assume.
What is the difference between Marxism and vulgar Marxism?
On the one hand, Marxism is a way of thinking that seeks to explain how historical materialism is responsible for society’s social classes. Vulgar Marxism, on the other hand is a way of thinking that seeks to expose the inequalities that exist in society by ignoring all the forces responsible except socioeconomic forces.
What does it mean that, for cultural critics, there is no such thing as a privileged text, and no difference between “high” art and “low” art?
Cultural critics view all texts as equal. For cultural critics, there are no texts which hold greater meaning than others. Hence, for c...
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