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Essay Project with Explanation of Experiment Research

Essay Instructions:

Essay Project with Explanation of Experiment, and a Works Cited with AT LEAST five sources

Innovation: The Writing Style Experiments

In each of your essays you are required to conduct some kind of writing experiment. Think of it like a stylistic "innovation." Each essay must contain something stylistic that you’ve never done before as a writer. Here are some examples:

Incorporating some aspect of a writer’s style into your own essay. For example, you might read Dan Ariely and write an essay from his point of view, or incorporate a similar sense of humor into your essay. Stylistic experiments can be important and can help you grow as a writer. They can include humor, rhetorical questions, varying sentence length/variety, using subordination, word choice, colloquial language…

Using pictures or other visuals in your essays.

Creating a sound recording or video.

Writing in boxes or writing in the margins or formatting your text in a way that helps explain or support your thesis/slant.

Writing a poem or song lyrics or a comic.

Creating any kind of artistic representation—be it a drawing, sculpture, painting, photograph—to include in your essay.

These are only a few ideas. Don’t just pick one from above and do it unless it really fits your essay and slant. DO NOT just tack on a poem or a drawing to the end of an essay. Each innovation needs to be incorporated into the essay. It must be a part of the project and add something to the project, not be a separate project.

The way to approach this on all your essays is to think about what kind of experiment/innovation would help us, the readers, further understand your arguments, points, and ideas. Think out of the box, and use writers that you like as inspiration.

It’s important to remember that in this course a failed innovation in one of your essays will not negatively affect your grade. The only thing that will affect your grade is if you don’t experiment with style. It’s also important to remember that in this course each essay still needs to have the fundamentals of an essay. The innovation doesn't make it a free-for-all.

Try something. In this course, you are always rewarded for trying something new, even if it fails.

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Change your diet, change the world
"This is just the veganning!"
You might be thinking that this is another promotion of fad diets that are so unrealistic, you cannot last a week before binging on your usual food choices. However, this is not it. I am here to answer possible questions about plant-based diets and to enlighten you about how your food choices can help you change for the better while also creating a positive change in the world that we are living in. We will be discussing choosing healthier food options, reducing meat consumption, and protecting animal welfare to maintain the sustainability of our food and the agricultural system.
Are plant-based diets enough?
Shifting to plant-based diets should be planned appropriately. An individual's health status, lifestyle, possible comorbidities, and his/her body's energy demands should be carefully considered to ensure that the meal plans are appropriate and will result in good health and nutrition. The essential amino acids found in meat products are not present in each plant. That is why knowledge about the nutritional value and benefits should be considered when committing to this diet so that a holistic meal plan can be made. The individual should also be aware of the bioavailability of the nutrients in his/her body that is from plant-based foods to calculate the needs of the body correctly. A positive aspect of plant-based diets is the numerous available choices that are both healthy and yummy, genuinely making it easier to commit to this shift.
Health and wellness
Did you know that healthy food choices, eating habits, and lifestyle decreases health risks and improves your health outcomes?
Many people start or follow different diets to become fit and look good in their swimsuits and trunks, and you may be one of them at some point in your life. So, we will be tackling this issue first. Shifting to plant-based diets and consciously choosing healthier options like leafy green vegetables, fruits, and whole-grain foods help in controlling your weight. This can also help in weight-loss for you to achieve your body goals when paired with proper exercise.
These sound pretty amazing but requires enough motivation, set goals, clear intentions, and a positive attitude. Modifying your eating habits is a conscious decision that may pose challenges in your health journey but is worth it in the long run.
Do not forget that knowledgeable meal preparation is a must! There are some essential nutrients from animal products that our body needs, and reducing animal consumption may lead to deficiencies if done without care. So, eating healthy is also eating smart to ensure that you can get all the nutrients that your body requires.
Sustainability of Food Supply
Did you know that less meat product consumption and more plant-based food choices help support the sustainability of the food supply in the world?
Yes, you read that, right! When you choose animal-based food products, the resource demands are much more significant when compared to plant-based food. This also results in environmental pressure on the food and agricultural industry (Röös et al.).
Some of the resources needed in producing animal food products are water, land, and energy resources. Not to mention the heavy livestock feeds that are also involved in meat production. Do you think usin...
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