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Literature of Viruses and Diseases

Essay Instructions:

Final project primer: English 475

Fall 2020, Term B

Goal: To create a culminating, final project that synthesizes the readings together in some original way

Directions: Choose one of the following two options for the final project.

#1) Create your own, personal ‘Journal of a Plague Year,’ based upon your own experiences with COVID during 2020. In the journal entries, you’d have to have a quoted passage from one of the readings in each section. Connect this quoted passage and the book in question to your own experience in some creative way. The books that you must use would be The Plague, Journal of the Plague Year, and Pale Horse Pale Rider. You are welcome to include some of the shorter readings, too. No thesis statement, introduction paragraph, conclusion paragraph, nor even an argument is needed. Instead, create and date entries (estimated dates or just months or ‘early March,’ for instance, is perfectly fine) for your own experience with COVID during the past few months. Note where you were in each entry. Also, try to move chronologically through the pandemic when creating your entries.

#2) Create your own topic – an original, highly-focused one – based on anything you noticed in Albert Camus’ The Plague. The topic would need to be one that is particularly specific, perhaps on Rambert’s development as a character for the duration of the novel, the portrayal of government bureaucracy and how their machinations hamper addressing the plague, the several animal references throughout the book and their meaning, for instance. Textual evidence must be used in every body paragraph.

Length 4.5 pages

Other: Add a ‘Works Cited’ page.

All of the ideas within the essay should be completely original

Dates: Turn in the topic proposal by Tuesday night (17 Nov.) at 11:59 p.m.. A short template has been added under that assignment. I’ll provide feedback on Wednesday; then you may proceed with the assignment. The essay is due on Sun., 22 Nov. at 11:59 p.m. Please upload the essay to the two demarked places.

The essay is worth 22% of the course grade. The topic proposal is worth 5%.

My last office hours are on Wednesday (3-4 p.m.) and Sunday (8-9 p.m.) this week, should you wish to speak with me. If I can answer any questions, don’t hesitate to email me, too.

I’ve created an optional forum, too, for students to connect with one another on this project, should they wish.

Good luck with this project! You’re almost done!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Journal Entries: Living with the COVID 19 Pandemic
March 11, 2020
Several countries now have implemented lockdowns because of infectious coronavirus disease. It started in China late last year because someone consumed a bat that contains the virus. It may sound like a simple way of acquiring the virus and having it spread across the world. However, it did happen. Just today, the World Health Organization has announced that the disease infection is declared a pandemic. That would mean a large number of countries are already affected by the disease.
It is alarming significantly that, right now, people's daily routines are affected by the disease. I am not even prepared for the year to be in this situation. I guess no one is. There have been, if I may quote Camus in his book The Plague, "premonitory signs of the grave events we are to chronicle" (Camus, part 1). These signs have been everywhere in the news, but people were oblivious of what has been going on since late January. Moreover, now that the disease has become a pandemic, we have become worried about our lives.
America has yet to restrict travel bans even after the announcement of the pandemic. I guess Trump is unbothered. People could still come and go to America. It makes us vulnerable to the disease. Even if we try to be careful with our everyday routine, it will not guarantee infection control if people from outside the country are still allowed. I am not a racist or anything. Nevertheless, lockdowns or at least travel restrictions would help a lot in containing the virus.
The only thing I could do now is to hope this does not get any dangerous than it already is. It is already hard to move around knowing a virus can be contracted from people you come in contact with. What more if the situation worsens.
March 17, 2020
Finally! America is implementing travel restrictions now to contain the spread of the virus. News from outside the country is getting out of hand, however. China is still battling with the virus, and I think Italy is having a quick s[read of the virus. I do hope this travel restriction would do a lot in keeping the infection under control.
The bad news is that all states have now recorded cases of the virus. Now states have to wary of their neighbors as well. Our spaces are getting smaller and smaller because of this pandemic. The school has even implemented proper use of a facility to do not leave or carry the virus. "The people showed a great concern at this, and began to be alarmed all over the town" (Defoe, p. *). Defoe's book must be right about so many things related to a pandemic. Although people are not at the point of hysteria because of the pandemic, it did make everyone think of the consequences of contracting the virus.
March 27, 2020
I just heard from the news last night that America has surpassed other countries with the most number of covid cases. That means the country is controlling the most number of infections. Just last week, Italy was all over the news because of their covid situation. Moreover, now America seems to be competing with the infection. This is getting bad.
Today, I think Trump just signed a law that provides loans and assistance for families due to the pandemic's effects. Thank goodness the government will be assisting. Establishments and small businesses are slowly closing because people are careful. It is good that the national government is putting effort into assisting people financially.
Even in the narrative of The Plague, "there was a demand for drastic measures, the authorities were accused of slackness" (part 1) because people worry about their safety. Moreover, people necessarily need the government at this point. We could not possibly navigate through this pandemic if the government does not tell us what to do. Financia...
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