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3 pages/≈825 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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$ 10.8

Literature review. Literature & Language Assignment

Essay Instructions:

use 5 peer-reviewed journal articles(=2 more articles) to write an orchestration that examines the conceptual framework for your research project. The content covered will vary depending on your research question and planned approach (set out in your proposal). Your goal is to examine the existing state of knowledge in order to set the foundation for your analysis.

Possible content: Do you need to define key concepts or variables? Keep in mind that definition is used to ensure common ground (both amongst your sources and subsequently between you and your reader).

What are the key findings that provide a foundation for your analysis? Or, what are existing positions (based on the current scholarly state of knowledge) that you will need to engage with? Do you need to develop a hypothesis?

paper title and research question at the top of the page. Your orchestration written using paragraph structure (likely 2-3 paragraphs). Please note that you don’t need to write an introduction or conclusion; instead, think of this content as a potential excerpt from your final paper (or raw material that will help you build your final paper). A Works Cited/References list of the 5 bibliographic citations (no annotations required).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
In this digital age, ensuring the privacy of information has been crucial. Consumers have become constant content providers on various social media platforms and blogging sites. Most American adults are uneasy regarding the government’s centralized collection of personal information and data on its citizens. On the other hand, teenagers have been giving these kinds of information freely online. A study conducted by Halperin and Dror shows a generational gap concerning privacy-related behavior and perception between teenagers and adults. The findings indicate that even though teenagers tend to overshare their information online, they exercise more excellent precaution in protecting their privacy. This is opposite to the popular media myth wherein young adults lack concern regarding their privacy. Furthermore, the findings also reveal that adults exercise less protection for their privacy than expected (Halperin & Dror).
In addition to the generational gap, there is also a lacking concern on privacy matters online due to differences in its interpretation. In Sarikakis and Winter's study, the awareness of privacy policies established by specific social media platforms and its association with the governing laws of data privacy in Europe during the Post-Snowden period is tackled. This study is focused on how social media users understand the concept of privacy. Privacy is interpreted as a way of controlling one’s data and is linked with personal autonomy. The results also reveal that these users accept the loss of privacy and that it should be expected in this circumstance. The engagement of these users in “self-protecting” strategies is also rooted in how one is personally affected when law and privacy are violated.
Decreased awareness of online privacy can also stem from the lack of understanding and adequate knowledge of tools to ensure privacy. As a popular social media website, Facebook was employed in a study that determined the lack of awareness of Af...
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