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A Case Study on the Role of British Petroleum Management during disasters. Composition and Characteristics of BP Board of Directors.

Essay Instructions:

Case 10: British Petroleum 
1. Describe the composition and characteristics of BP’s board of directors. What are the pros and cons of how BP’s board of directors is composed? 
2. Which aspects of BP’s corporate governance contributed to the safety lapses? 
3. How should BP’s corporate governance be improved? Use the concepts to build your argument.

We will spend the first half of the course on business strategy, corresponding with Chapters 1-5,and the second half of the course on corporate strategy, corresponding with Chapters 6-10. You,you lucky devil, have the honor of writing one case analysis for each half of the course – twoin total. I will grade each case analysis on a scale of 0 to 5, as follows:
Missed deadline or did not complete: 0
Well below standards: 1
Somewhat below standards: 2
Meets standards: 3
Exceeds standards: 4
Outstanding: 5
The first case analysis is based on your choice of any of the first five cases we cover in class, andthe second case analysis is based on your choice of any of the last five cases we cover in class.You cannot do both in either half – instead, one in each half, alrightee . . .
Each case analysis is due by the START of the class session in which that case is covered.Having been a student for many years, I realize that the temptation will be to choose the 5th and10th cases, since they have the latest due dates. However, doing this will leave you no room forerror and could interfere with studying for the midterm and preparing your team project. Thus, Irecommend completing earlier cases. Submit your completed cases through the Turnitin linkon the course Blackboard site.
Your case analyses consist of you writing answers to each of the three questions associated withyour chosen cases. You can find the case questions on the course Blackboard site, in thedocument titled Case Questions (creative with titles, aren’t I!).
This course is designated as writing intensive, so I expect your answers to be written with, well,intensity. I expect them to be thorough, persuasive, logical, easy to follow, grammaticallycorrect, spell-checked, well-edited, and proofread. Your grade will reflect these expectations.As a rule of thumb, an adequately intense answer to each question contains 250 to 500 words; ifit bounds up toward 1000 words per question, it needs editing. Each answer must be basedclearly & directly on the concepts addressed in the relevant chapter and be supported by the factspresented in the case. I’m not asking for your opinion. Provide real analysis. If you are not usingthe concepts and the case facts to answer the questions, then you are doing it wrong. Please referto A Guide to Case Analysis, also posted on the course Blackboard site, for further insights.This is an individual assignment. You are to complete each case analysis by yourself. It willbe screened by Turnitin. Do not be tempted to plagiarize. You are expected to fully abide by theRU Honor Pledge in this and all assignments, and I am required to report and prosecuteviolations of academic integrity when I encounter them. Happens every semester to at least oneperson. Don’t let it be you this time. Just do the work yourself – you’ll be better off for it.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Case Study on the Role of British Petroleum Management during disasters
Composition and Characteristics of BP Board of Directors
The British Petroleum (BP) case is a clear example expressing why the law is required to indicate oversight of and by senior management. The BP board is accountable for the governance on behalf of shareholders and to the owners. The board believes that administration of BP is best achieved by entrusting its authority to the Group Chief Executive (GCE). The BP board constitutes of the chairman and deputy chairman, the board committees (chairman’s, safety and environment assurance, remuneration, audit, results and nomination committees), and the company secretary. The constitution of the board as a whole threatens its autonomy, as decisions made may be adverse hence creating room for non-transparency and information fragmentation (BP p.l.c, 2008). The role of the board is to examine and determine the policy on monitoring of risk and performance. All decisions about the company strategies and administrative discharges are entirely on the board. The board also performs a restrictive function in association with the executive, placing limits on practices, methods, conduct, and other ways the GCE conducts its given authority. In this setup, the role of the board interlopes with management, against its primary function of governance.
Aspects BP’s Corporate Governance Contributing the Safety Lapses
Management wrangles in the BP enterprise became manifest as their leadership has been criticized and said to be too directive and does not listen amply to its bottom employees. Even after the company highlighted occupational safety as its core duty, on the contrary, the Texas City refinery disaster depicted otherwise, with over 400 safety infractions apparent in the aftermath....
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