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3 pages/≈825 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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The Election 2020. Literature & Language assignment.

Essay Instructions:

These papers must also contain your own thoughts, opinions, and criticisms of what we’ve been reading. Papers must be double-spaced, typed in 12-point Times New Roman or a similar font with one-inch margins top/bottom and left/right.

Just talk about my thoughts for the election 2020.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student Last Name1
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Professor Name
U.S. Elections 2020
The world has to wait – still waiting, in fact – outcomes of U.S. elections. Clouding all simultaneously carried elections (for Congress and House), U.S. presidential elections has claimed center stage – rightly so. Unlike previous elections, U.S. presidential elections 2020 has been – is? - unprecedented in U.S. history. The voting process has been – is? - less about choosing yet another president but, interestingly enough, a voting for America's future. The character of current president, Donald Trump, is controversial enough – and, for that matter, has raised enough controversy domestically and abroad – to make last – current? – elections a milestone in U.S. politics life. The chasing of votes, country after county, has never been so intense, so fierce nor,of course, so wrenching and destabilizing of each and every supposedly established norm in U.S. politics, public life and beyond. The divisions former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, also a former presidential candidate against Trump, were, in hindsight, so insightful. The four years spent under Trump only showed a frightening state of fragmentation of U.S. society over almost everything from grand and strategic issues such as healthcare to as trivial matters as one could imagine. The voice trump has given to a “white class” of citizen – stereotyped as “not educated,” “rust belt workers,” and “mobs” – shows much more: a society of increasingly divergent worldviews along political, economic, cultural, racial and social lines. The fight, still raging, against elections outcomes is not, in one analysis, one about mere gain or loss in an election – however important and whatever cast U.S. political establishment places Trump in. Instead, current fight, expected to drag on for years, is perhaps a long simmering struggle to reinvent U.S. stagnant political life. This is not to mean, however, Trump, an outgoing president, has
Student Last Name2
not done – is still doing – much damage to U.S. public life and, by extension, private life. The
statement Trump has made – still doing – in last – current? - elections is one of deep echoes expected to
resonate for years, if not decades to come.
The U.S. presidential elections has announced a winner: Joseph B...
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