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Philosophy Essay. Literature & Language Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

Major Essay Content

Your major essay is an expansion of the discussion you've done in the mini essays. The same basic structure will apply.

Thesis: Defend a position as true or false. Agree or disagree with the arguments from our class readings..

Interpretation: Clearly summarize all the relevant arguments from the text. Cite where each idea comes from. Explain each argument from the thinker in your own words.

Arguments: Use your own arguments and evidence to prove your thesis. State facts and explain clearly how your arguments connect to the reading. Provide evidence, don't just state your opinion.

Good Argument: The fact that humans are creative is evidence that they could generate the idea of a perfect being on their own. [provides evidence]

Bad Argument: I think Descartes is wrong because I don't think God exists [fails to provide evidence]

Objection and Reply: Clearly state an argument that might show your thesis to be false. Clearly state it as an objection. Then, provide a new argument that clearly shows the objection to be false and the thesis to be true. Clearly state that you are making a reply and explain how it refutes the objections.

Conclusion: Re-state your thesis and its most useful insights.

Major Essay Topics

In the major essay you can expand on themes you've already discussed in the mini essays, But it is forbidden to copy and paste from your previous work. Improve your arguments and writing style.

The topic may be a deeper reading of one of our class texts. Or you can compare sections of two texts. Always make yourself a list of the specific arguments you are going to talk about. Here are some suggested topics.

Compare the arguments from any two speakers in Plato's Symposium.

(Phaedrus / Pausanias) gives a more useful account of love.

Describe Agathon's main points and show how Socrates generates objections to them.

Socrates' objections (prove / fail to prove) that Agathon's speech is wrong.

Diotima says that the "good" is seeking eternal wisdom and acting with virtue. Nietzsche says that true "good" is vitality and freedom from resentment.

(Diotima / Nietzsche) has a more useful understanding of goodness.

Nietzsche argues that historical facts prove that the idea of "good" was subverted by conquered people and religious groups to promote resentment and inaction.

Nietzsche's historical account of goodness is (accurate / inaccurate)

Nietzsche makes an emotional argument that being self-interested and dangerous is far better than being unegoistic and a herd animal.

Nietzsche's emotional arguments are (valid / invalid)

If you have another idea for a topic, e-mail the instructor and propose your idea.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Nietzsche makes an emotional argument that being self-interested and dangerous is far better than being ‘‘unegoistic’’ and a herd animal. He asserts that unegoistic practices and the sentiments that cause them have little place in a world that seeks to promote life to the full. Ethics of self-interest holds that individual’s interest is their highest value that they should pursue, and that they should measure all other values in terms of their impact on their self interest. All such ethical theories are egoist.
Egoism is based on the principle that an action is morally right so long as it promotes the self-interest of a person practicing it. Nietzsche’s insistence on self-interest as a methodological approach to morality originates from his naturalism. This is evident from a passage in Zarathustra, where he writes, “Ego’, sayest thou, and art proud of that word. But the greater thing—in which thou are unwilling to believe—is thy body with its big sagacity; It saith not ‘ego,’ but doeth it’’ (Nantz, 36). In this statement, Nietzsche expresses that the urge to purse self interest comes automatically or naturally for the body.
Nietzsche believes that the body is sagacious because the functions of growth and maintenance come automatically. While many might view such behaviors as amoral, Nietzsche sees then as mechanically life promoting and therefore healthy. The case of self-interest also stems from the idea that morality has no inherent value (Elgat,313). Instead, it is instrumental and must serve an individual’s life, which is the origin of all value. Otherwise, it will promote harm. Likewise, Nietzsche thinks that nothing has value like self-interest. According to Nietzsche, something is valuable only if it promotes individual interest.
As noted, the practice of self interest influences a person to focus on individual life and ensure that all actions satisfy individual needs. For a person to take a self-interest approach, they must understand themselves deeply and recognize their passion and interests (Janaway and Robertson, 25). This understanding helps determine the choices and actions one will take to maximize self-fulfillment. According to Nietzsche, self-understanding is critical because people are different in behaviors and tastes. That is to say, what is good for one person may be bad for the other, and the achievement of success also depends on a person’s particularities (May, 261). For an individual to know what makes them succeed, they must understand themselves. Therefore, one needs to assess their nature and character accurately. It is worth noting that one of Nietzsche’s worries about altruistic moral code is that it ignores the concept that different things can be good for different people.
He stated that any altruistic moral code that takes itself unreservedly and addresses itself to everyone is insightful to omission and particularly harmful to the privileged (Nantz, 39). Nietzsche thinks that it is immoral to state that what is good for one should be good for all, as most people who use unegoistic approach believe. Such belief exposes them to selfish people that take advantage of their kindness. In some cases, helping a person one at a time will expect that person to do everything they want, whenever they want (Owen, 141). Telling them no makes them angry when you are left with nothing to offer them. Behaviors like these may create a stressful situation, which is dangerous to the well-being. Using unegoistic actions prevent such occurrences.
For Nietzsche, being self-centered requires constant learning and thinking. Self-centered people believe in themselves and the decisions they make. To make informed decisions, they must constantly learn and think critically. Their choices do not require a third party or dictated by anyone. Doing so helps them make quick decisions especially in times of emergencies. As a result, taking unegoistic approach makes the person live peacefully because they do what interest them and make them happy. Happiness promotes a healthy lifestyle and overall well-being. At some point, it helps combat stress, reduce pain, boost immune system, and increase life expectancy according to psychologists.
In contrast, Nietzsche’s argues that nonegoistic approach makes one leave a stressful live because they have to depend on other people. Nietzsche objected nonegoistic approach claiming that it has little space in the world that promotes and enhances life to the full. This means that nonegoistic approach such as altruism is not as healthy as self-interest approach because it does not fully promote the overall well-being of a person (Nantz, 41). In reality, to be an altruist, one has to be concerned with the well-being of others. To some point, an altruist sacrifices everything he has for the sake of others.
In this sense, Nietzsche contends that such an approach is like doing a disfavor to self. An Altruist must always work hard to promote happiness of others, while forgetting about their own happiness. Such an idea promotes stress especially if the person fails to achieve an intended action. Stress can cause many health and mental problems like depression, heart disease, diabetes,...
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