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Writing Assignment - Melange of the Local Dances.

Essay Instructions:

Writing Assignment - Melange of the Local Dances
Assignment criteria: Watch the videos under Week 12: Dances of Modernity I - Watch the videos tab for Unit 6. Write a two-part paper answering the following prompts:1- Compare the examples of the horon of North Turkey Black Sea region in both videos. The first one is from the Hoyder Halk Oyunlari and the second one is from company Fire of Anatolia. (in the secondvideo horon dance starts at 2:05 and ends at 2:48)). What are the similarities, differences in costumes, music, movements, energy?2- Discuss the modernization process of the local folk dances regarding this example. Include original ideas and critical connections.*Note: This assignment is one document, of 350-500 words. Create your document as you go along, and attach one Word document. Assignments that are incorrectly submitted will not be graded.

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The horon dance is known for its peculiar movement of legs and shoulders. The videos “Hoyder Halk Oyunlari” and “Anadolu Atesi” feature both male and female dancers. The dance in both videos features mainly footwork with frequent turns. The dance movements in Karadeniz Halk Oyunlari entailed joining off arms by the dancers and the male dancers opening up their arms like wings (Hoyder halk oyunları). Furthermore, Dancers displayed shivering movements trembling of the entire body from head to foot in both videos. The dancers in Hoyder halk Oyunlari had sudden sharp kneeling on the ground similar to the dancers in Anadolu atesi also strike their knees on the ground suddenly. Furthermore, the dancers bent to the front and vigorously threw legs to the front in both videos while turning heads both left and Right. There’s a difference in the group size performing in the two videos.
There are many performers in the second video of Anadolu Atesi compared to the first one. The costumes worn by dancers in Hoyder Halk Oyunlari are loose-fitting. Females wore more vibrant and colorful clothing than their male counterparts, who wore darker, more neutral attire. Unlike in Fire of Anadolu Atesi, both female and male dancers wore colorful clothes that were more fitting. In the first video, both the male and female dancers wore costumes that entir...
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