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Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Reading Response Gulliver's Travel. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Choose 1 scene from Part I and a scene from Part V and Compose a thoughtful response about Swift's use of satire in the story.

You need to support your ideas with 2 to 3 direct quotes (no more than 4 lines in your direct quote) from the text that are examples of Swift's use of satire: Swift employs the eight types of satire – parody, understatement, invective, irony, hyperbole, sarcasm, inversion/reversal, and wit

You must explain the political/social context and significance of the passage and comment on the theme, imagery, the language and on the satire and any other rhetorical techniques.

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In part 1, "A Voyage to Lilliput" in Gulliver's Travel by Jonathan Swift, the scene in which the emperor commanded Gulliver to stand like a Colossus with his leg wide apart for the whole army to pass under him in a review. In doing so, Gulliver announced that his breeches were " so ill a condition that they afforded some opportunity for laughter and admiration "( Swift 27). Swift demonstrates irony in these scenes since, despite being a giant, Gulliver was belittled and submitted to indignities by the Lilliputians, who were tiny people with great pride. The theme of moral righteousness is evident in the passage; despite Gulliver having the advantage of physical strength, which he could have quickly squashed the Lilliputians, he still has Goodwill towards his captors and tries to ple...
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