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Wk 5 Apply Your Chosen Tools-Final Paper. COVID-19.

Essay Instructions:

Apply Your Chosen Tools

This is the capstone English course. If you followed a traditional sequence, it might be the last undergraduate course you take, or the last English course you take. This final project gives you an opportunity to demonstrate and synthesize what you have learned through your studies to raise your writing skills and practices to a new level.

For this assignment, you will create a persuasive rhetorical text that applies your chosen rhetorical tools to a specific target audience in one of three different forms. The purpose is to provide you an opportunity to demonstrate your mastery of the rhetorical tools studied throughout this course and prior classes in English, rhetoric, writing, and communications.

Select your general topic in Week 2. Any topic that is a matter of public discussion may be considered. In Week 2, you will also examine the intra-disciplinary discussion of the primary disciplines shaping your topic. In Week 3, you will study the inter- and extra-disciplinary or public debate on your topic. In Week 4, you will choose leading or seminal texts relevant to your topic. While working on these assignments, develop your topic into a thesis. This will assist you in developing your final assignment.

In addition to selecting your topic, you will also select an appropriate genre for your final project. This selection should flow logically from your analysis of debates in the field: if all major public debate in the field occurs through, for example, passionate editorials, writing a highly academic research paper may not be appropriate. Feel free to adapt one or more of the formats or genres used in the Week 4 examination of influential texts, if that is most fitting. For example, a student writing on social justice might borrow from Thoreau’s essay “On Civil Disobedience,” while a student seeking to expose an accepted practice as unethical might echo the savage satire of Swift's essay "A Modest Proposal."

Finally, determine what constitutes appropriate support in this project. Some projects will require considerable research, which will appear in the form of citations, or through the prose cadences and metaphors used, echoing specific earlier influential texts; for example, King’s speech, "I Have a Dream."

The assignments in Weeks 1 through 4 are meant to provide you with the support for your final paper, so refer to these assignments to gather information and citations for the final written assignment.

Use the following frameworks as guidelines and starting points:

Select a topic that is the subject of public debate. Examples might include the following:

Climate change
The nature of representative government
What is love?
Ethical behavior in a changing world
Responsibility of the developed world to the developing world
Balancing multiculturalism with a specific faith or tradition
Another topic, as approved by your instructor

Identify a thesis relating to your selected topic. 

This written work should be the culmination of your previous weeks’ work.
The work should demonstrate a heightened awareness of your writing and reasoning developed through the Week 1 essay.
The work should demonstrate familiarity with the major disciplines shaping understanding of your topic, developed through the Week 2 paper.
The work should show mastery of your historical context, developed through the Week 3 paper.
The work should position itself in relation to the major texts in the field. Familiarity with these major texts was developed through the Week 4 annotated bibliography.

The project should also borrow rhetorical techniques and approaches from the appropriate disciplines, address traditional pivot points in the debates, and incorporate key elements of major texts. In doing the latter, you should build your ethos through demonstrating understanding of these major texts, answering their weaknesses, and applying their valid reasoning in new ways.

Option A:

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word research paper, or traditional essay on the subject. 

Develop your selected written work to support your thesis and topic, and the elements noted above. Information from your Weeks’ 1 through 4 assignments should be included in your written work.

Incorporate at least six supporting credible sources. 

Format your paper consistent with MLA guidelines.

I have included weeks 1-4 papers for your reference.  My topic is COVID-19 and its effect on mental health of Americans.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Wk. 5 Apply Your Chosen Tools-Final Paper
The year 2020 has been a challenging one for one reason, the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 is a disease that started spreading as the year started, and by March, it had spread to almost every country in the world. The pace at which the COVID-19 virus was spreading caused great alarm, panic, and disillusionment. Healthcare workers were the most affected once the virus started spreading rapidly because there was no known method of controlling or treating it. Even now, healthcare workers are still the most affected by the virus. Still, COVID-19 has had an even greater impact on the general public. It has caused businesses to shut down, a rearrangement in the government's priorities, closure of schools, and complete social disruption. With all these changes comes increased stress levels among working Americans, including government officials and healthcare workers. This paper seeks to explore the effects that COVID-19 has had on the mental health of Americans.
The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed the first case of COVID-19 in the country on February 26, 2020 (Schumaker). The patient was a California resident who had not traveled to any coronavirus outbreak area (Schumaker). Immediately the coronavirus hit the United States (U.S.), it triggered a health crisis. Most of the healthcare workers were not prepared for the quick pace at which the disease would spread. But the unpreparedness of healthcare workers was not to blame. The government was not taking the virus seriously. The U.S. government received ample warning, but it squandered every opportunity it had to control the spread of the virus (Yong). This is despite America being the most powerful and resourceful country in the world (Yong).
It was not until March 13 that the President declared a national emergency (Schumaker). Four days later, the virus had spread to all 50 states. By this time, COVID-19 deaths were being reported every day (Schumaker). This caused widespread fear and psychological trauma. Experts and federal agencies warned that there would be an unprecedented mental health crisis in the country (Wan). However, hospitals were unprepared, and the U.S. mental health system was vastly underfunded, making the country's healthcare system even less prepared to handle the oncoming surge. During an interview with the Washington Post, Susan Borja, a traumatic stress expert, said she was worried about the large number of people who could not be reached by the U.S. mental health system. According to her, there was going to be a lot of suffering that would go untreated (Wan).
By April, there were telling signs that COVID-19 was having a significant impact on many Americans' mental health. A poll conducted in the same month by the Kaiser Family Foundation revealed that at least half of all Americans reported that the coronavirus was harming their mental health (Wan). Again, in April, a federal emergency hotline for people in emotional distress registered a 1,000% increase in the number of people calling when compared to the same time last year (Wan). Talkspace, an online therapy company, recorded a 65% increase in clients' number by the end of February. The text messages and recorded therapy sessions by therapists at the company showed COVID-19-related anxiety issues. Even at this time, it is clear how the government's slow response was evident. According to Talkspace CEO Oren Frank, it was shocking how little leaders were talking about the coronavirus. There were no White House briefings about the virus and no plan at all (Wan).
Anxiety and depression were roiling the nation. Therefore, the CDC embarked on a survey to determine the impact of COVID-19 on the U.S. population. By collaborating with the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), the CDC began its first household pulse survey on April 23, 2020 (CDCa). The estimates given by the CDC show the percentage of adults who have reported symptoms of anxiety or depression. Between April 23, 2020, and May 5, 2020, 30% of Americans reported anxiety disorder symptoms (CDCa). Since then, this value has increased to 36.3%. A majority of those reporting anxiety disorder symptoms are aged between 18 and 29 years (51.7%). By gender, there are more females (41.8%) than males (30.3%). Hispanic/Latino (41.8%) and Americans of Non-Hispanic, other races, and multiple races (42.5%) have been most affected (CDCa).
A further look at the impact of COVID-19 on Americans' mental health seeks to identify the percentage of adults aged 18 and above who have taken prescription medication, received counseling/therapy, or require counseling/therapy (CDCb). The first household pulse survey conducted between August 19, 2020, and August 31, 2020, shows that 19.4% of Americans had taken prescription medication for menta...
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