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Film analysis: Wonder Woman

Essay Instructions:

For this short assignment you are asked to choose a character from a popular culture film and to briefly trace their journey through the 12-step heroic plot. You will use your knowledge of the hero's journey plot model and archetypes to analyze the film's message. Your focus in your film should be the main character- either a hero or antihero.

I would like to choose either batman or wonder women as my film to analysis

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Film Analysis
Wonder Woman (2017) is an American superhero movie that was released in 2017 and is directed by Patty Jenkins. The film has helped in creating a superhero who provides powerful fantasies that privileges the interiority and essence of women on a grand scale. The film has also effectively established comic adaptations that demonstrate how women can be tough, funny and self-assured. Most significantly, the movie has helped in demonstrating how women may become the architects of their destiny. The director has effectively created the lead heroine, whose characteristics shows the optimism and hope that is evident in the character’s long history. Therefore, Wonder Woman is a good superhero film that is both inspiriting and evocative.
Question #1
Diana is an immortal warrior who grew up on the island of Themyscira. Diana is the daughter of Hippolyta and Zeus, who was the king of Olympians. She belongs to the mighty Amazons, which is an all-female warrior clan which existed secretly and secluded. When she was little, she watched General Antiope train the worriers in the field, and that was when she developed the desire to become a fighter like other Amazons and her mother, was against her daughter’s training. Diana is the superhero; she grew from a kind young girl to become an inquisitive, brave worrier who did not hesitate to put her life in danger by helping other people where he would. The two characters in the film who are part of Diana’s journey include Steve Trevor and Antiope. Trevor was key in teaching and reminding Diana about her own humanity, and he finally falls in love. On the other side, side, Antiope is Diana’s aunt she personally trained and mentored her niece, and she perished while sacrificing her Diana during the German invasion. Both Trevor and Antiope were also heroes in the film through the sacrifices they made.
Question #2
Diana, in her ordinary world, is a princess and her mother, Queen Hippolyta, is cautious about her daughter involved in activities that are undertaken by other Amazon warriors. Since she is still a child, Hippolyta believed that Diana should be in school and not in the field with other warriors. When Antiope suggests that she can start showing Diana some things and that she should know how to defend herself, her mother asserts that she is the only child on the island and that she should be so (Jenkins, 5:1...
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