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Trust. The Evolution of Trus. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

As the this optional activity (Links to an external site.) indicates, trust is important in repeated games but also hard to develop. When trust in other people or in social institutions declines, society and interpersonal relationships (which have many aspects of repeated games) don't function as well. 

What ideas do you have for how to build trust between people or trust in institutions? How do these relate to the concepts about repeated games that we have discussed?


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One way to build trust between people or institutions is to promote honesty and support. Telling the truth, especially using facts helps people build trust in institutions. People trust what they believe is authentic and true (Mineo 2). When people suspect deception, it lowers the level of trust. Institutions need to show people with actions and evidence to promote honesty, which leads to trust. Another way to build trust is to ensure consistency. When people or institutions do what they said they would do, it creates trust over time (Mineo 2). For example, if an institution promises something and consistently follows through over the years, trust develops. However, if today something is done and the next month inconsistency occurs, trust erodes. Even among people and relationships, consistency results in trust. For example, employees would develop trust in a leader that del...
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