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Response Writing. AC English 20A. What Trump's four years taught me about the two White Americas.

Essay Instructions:

response writing final draft for a CNN article criticizing Trump. I can give you my first draft, the teacher’s comments, and the CNN article. We are supposed so revise the essay according to the teacher’s comments.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

15 November 2020
Response for the Article
“What Trump's four years taught me about the two White Americas”
In the article titled “What Trump's four years taught me about the two White Americas” (8November 2020, CNN), John Balke establishes that there are two sides of White Americans. One that is extremely racist, sexist and do not care about the minority communities like the Haitians, Africans, and the Hispanic, and another side of the White Americans who would stand up for the rights of the minority communities like they did during the Black Lives Matter Campaigns and demonstrations. I agree with the writer’s analysis of White Americans.
The racist side of White Americans is characterized by Donald Trump’s presidency and his supporters who supported and voted for him despite the negative review of his presidency. As a President, Donald Trump’s Presidency has been dented with bad leadership, bad PR, racism and sexism. For instance, it is unbelievable that amidst a global pandemic like the Covid-19 Virus, President Trump chose to see it as a small thing, labeling it the ‘Chinese virus’, ‘Kung Fu’ and ‘Common Flu’. Despite his dispute...
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