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Presentation for Parasite Film. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Write a presentation speech for the Korean film Parasite. I've attached the part I'll be covering. Please include ALL the elements listed in this PDF in its set order. Evenly spread the speech content for each slide. Cite your sources. Thanks!

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The evolution of movies has a great impact on people’s lives. It is a form of entertainment that had become very popular over the decades. This is regarded as one of the favorite pastimes of people in which they can spend quality time with their loved ones, family, and friends. One thing that makes people drawn into movies is the variation of its genre. People can choose the movie they want to watch according to their interests. A movie can influence the audience with its themes, symbols, and values presented. One notable film that had greatly influenced its audience is the masterpiece Parasite, a Korean film which is directed by Bong Joon-ho. In Parasite, the director Bong Joon-ho criticizes the class inequality and solidification through the hypocrisy of the rich and the decadent nature of the poor in modern Korean society. He emphasizes this by showing the drastically different living environments of the three sets of characters. While poverty continues to restrain the lower-class, the rich’ neglect of the former’s wellbeing triggers the eventual outburst of violence.
Released in May 2019 in South Korea, the film Parasite has captured a lot of attention. This was then released in October 2019 in the United States. This South Korean thriller had garnered a total of four Oscar awards including Best Film, Best Directing, Best International Feature Film, and Original Screenplay. In addition to these awards are the 72nd Cannes Palme d’Or and 77th Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film. The main theme of Parasite revolves around class inequality or conflict and wealth disparity. It features symbolism, realism, black humor, montage, and has an oppressive vibe.
The success of this movie can be greatly attributed to its director, Bong Joon-ho. He was born on September 14, 1969. He completed his college degree from Yonsei University wherein he majored in Sociology. Shortly after graduating, he began his journey in the directing career. He started directing during the 1990s and contributed to various works of other directors. His best-known films other than Parasite (2019) include Mother (2010), Snowpiercer (2013), Memories of Murder (2003), and The Host (2006). Bong Joon-ho is known for his directing style which focuses on social, black humor, reversal, crime, drama, and international. Another defining feature of his films is the sudden shift of the tone. Among his other films that depicted class in society, Parasite is regarded as his most thorough evaluation of the structural inequity that has become so prevalent in this world.
In the movie Parasite, the character set introduced the various class in society. The upper-class family is represented by the Park family which is comprised of the young couple...
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