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Nietzche. Create a fully developed objection and reply to prove your thesis.

Essay Instructions:

Create a fully developed objection and reply to prove your thesis. Use no secondary sources.

Sections 1-5

It is (true/false) that acting in your own self-interest is always more healthy than taking “unegoistic” action.

Nietzsche is (correct/incorrect) that in early human history “good” meant strong and “bad” meant weak.

Sections 6-11

Nietzsche is (correct/incorrect) when he argues that enslaved and priestly people developed a morality based on the resentment of the strong and the sanctification of weakness.

Nietzsche is (correct/incorrect) when he argues that religions are toxic and promote inaction.

Sections 12-17

It is (true/false) that the history of Europe, including the Roman Empire, Protestant Reformation, and French Revolution, has promoted a morality based on the weak resenting the strong.

Is Nietzsche advocating for a militaristic society in which the strong are free to oppress the weak OR is he advocating for a hopeful society in which people overcome Europe's repressive culture.

I don't agree with Nietzsche's interpretation of history but I do agree that we should make our own moral choices instead of simply accepting what society judges as "good".

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It is true that acting in your own self-interest is always more healthy than taking "unegoistic" action. It is because self-interest encourages self-awareness. If you can understand yourself and your needs, then it is easier to remain productive in society. This trait increases the level of emotional intelligence; strengthen listening and empathy skills, and improves critical thinking. The combination of these benefits allows for quick decision-making, which leads to stronger communication and strong relationships. Self-awareness also shapes leadership skills as it teaches you to make informed decisions.
Self-interest also provides more opportunities for personal growth. If you focus on self-interest, you give yourself a priority. Instead of struggling to push others forward, you are walking towards becoming successful. Your agenda is to first become successful before involving other parties that may create an obstacle in your journey. Doing so gives you more opportunity for personal improvement.
Additionally, self-interest enables everyone to provide for themselves. A self-centered person believes that their actions and thoughts are the best motivators to keep them productive. An individual who believes in self is actually the self person of their own life, earning what they believe are their full potential. This approach rejects the idea of a safety net because one is independent, but society restructures itself to allow each person to pursue their definition of success. This does not imply that poverty will and hunger will be eradicated immediately by taking a self-interest approach. ...
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