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A Review of the Musical, "The Color Purple"

Essay Instructions:

Watch The Color Purple. The show is divided into two videos, Act One and Act Two. Be sure to watch both Acts. Go here to watch:

Act One: https://vimeo(dot)com/474210302 (

Link to external website。)

Act Two: https://vimeo(dot)com/474215490 (

Link to external website。)

Write a 500-word review, which is due Sunday, November 15th by 11:59 pm..

Cover the following in your review:

1. Talk about the musical itself: the book, music, and lyrics. If you know the novel or film, how does the musical compare? Would you consider this a musical comedy, musical play, or a concept musical?

2. Talk about the cast. Who stands out? Why?

3. Talk about the staging of the show. What is going on with the scenic design? How does it speak to the metaphor or theme of the show?

4. The show was written primarily by white people and was directed by a white man. Could you tell? Does it feel like a white person's idea of the experience of black people?

4. What major ideas did you come away with after watching the show?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The musical provides a clear picture of the story told in the original book "The Color Purple." The writers and director do a perfect job of incorporating music that resonates with black people, especially in that period in time. Compared to the original film, the musical plays catch up in a tremendous way. The actors' performances are compelling in the musical, and this compensates for anything else it loses to the movie. The lyrics are sand on point, and the actors appear as naturals in a musical. I would consider the musical a musical play because it incorporates aspects of comedy and drama as well.
The cast, as mentioned, is outstanding in their performances. Celie plays her role as the narrator and lead actor in an unmatchable way. It is hard to discern the actors' names initially, but one soon begins to identify them one by one. Each of the actors plays their part perfectly in this particular musical. I cannot point out one or two actors I feel do not match-up to their respective parts. However, there is one actor who stands out for me, and that's Sophia. Sophia is a confident woman. She knows what she wants and does not corrupt herself to achieve this. Instead, she sticks to her principles and speaks her mind where other women at that period in time wouldn't.
The stage is well designed to suit the appearance of a black family home during the age of slavery. The floors are wooden and not in a smart ...
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