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Rhetorical Analysis of “Tear Down This Wall” Speech by Reagan

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In the mid 80's communist Russian and the US were at the height of their tensions but starting to talk. Gorbachov, the Russian leader, had a summit with Ronald Regan. Seoul was hosting the coming Olympics, but Germany was still divided into East and West Germany, like Korea still is today. Reagan speaks in 1987 several German phrases, speaks a lot about freedom, speaks about the open and closed Brandenburg Gate, and calls several times for "Mr. Gorbachov, tear down this wall!". At the end of the speech Reagan describe something spray painted on the wall. It is a classic Cold War speech.
The context: The Cold War and the tensions between the US and the USSR (Soviet Union) were still pretty high, but Reagen and Gorbachov were talking and meeting. Read more of the historical context under Kennedy's speech. Reagan chose to give this speech in Berlin due it still being a divided city. He referred to the wall that separated West and East Berlinn..He also discussed the Brandenburg Gate -- which was at the heart of Berlin, but the Wall was built behind it to separate East Germany from West Berlin. Note the Brandenbury Gate was in EAST Berlin, so the West Berliners could not see it very well, and it was not open. Reagan talks about opening the gate again.At this point in history, the speech was given only a few years before the wall was torn down and Germany was reunified.
The audience: All Americans, all the West Germans, all the West Berliners and their government, but also the Soviet Union's leader Gorbachov and the leader of East Germany.
The purpose of the speech: Obviously political, challenging the leadership of the Soviet Union and also there to give West Berlin hope and to know that they were fully supported by the US and its allies. But as you listen, you may get a good sense of what other purposes there are.
How to experience the diction/word choice: I highly advise you to listen as you read a text of the speech, paying particular attention to Reagan's tone of voice and what he emphasizes. This will help you pick out what sections or sentences you should analyze.

To see the whole speech: https://m(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=5MDFX-dNtsM
To see the tear this wall segment, see: https://m(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=hRFjZjaT0f4

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Rhetorical Analysis
East German officials in the year 1990 opened the border to the Western part of Berlin. During the Cold War, the Berlin Wall was the figurative divide between communism and democracy. People in West Germany and East Germany had been disallowed from communicating with each other for 28 years. The demolition of the Berlin Wall resulted in the emotional reunification of Germany, and reversed what the then British Prime Minister described as the iron curtain (Langenderfer 71). For most people, the renowned Tear Down This Wall speech in 1987 marked a new age – a crucial defining moment in history that brought together a world that was formerly divided. Thesis statement: this paper provides a rhetorical analysis of the “Tear Down This Wall” Speech by president Reagan. Logos, pathos, ethos and different linguistic strategies are analyzed in an in-depth manner.
Berlin Wall was erected in the year 1961. On 13th August 1961, German Democratic Republic’s Communist Government started building a concrete wall and barbed wire between the Western and Easter sides of Berlin, which almost immediately symbolized communist oppression. The Berlin Wall was aimed at preventing Western ideologies from interfering with the communism in East Germany and to impede the likely disloyalty of East Germany citizens. Former American president John Kennedy during his time as president had declared America’s support for the democratic West Germany. Although he never made significant progress in Germany, President Ronald Reagan a number of decades later was somewhat successful. In 1987, he delivered a speech in West Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate (Herskovits 19). The speech came at a time of increased tensions between the West and the East largely brought about by the contention over America’s placement of missiles in Europe and America’s defense buildup, which was a great time for addressing the problem at hand.
The purpose of the speech was to persuade Gorbachev to demolish the Berlin Wall. The words/phrases in the speech that help in identifying the purpose include the following: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” (Reagan). These words inspired the rallied German people in the early afternoon speech and sparked a movement of insuperable measures. Using this speech, Ronald Reagan also sought to challenge the leadership of the Soviet Union and to give the people of West Berlin hope and assure them that the United States and its allies supported them. The purpose of Ronald Reagan was clear. As the president of America and just as previous United States presidents, it was his duty to visit the oppressed Germany to foster and advertise the message and means of freedom (Langenderfer 72). He effectively did that using the persuasive and rhetorical facets of his speech. He said “We come to Berlin, we American presidents, because it is our duty to speak, in this place, of freedom. Freedom leads to prosperity” (Reagan).
The audience comprised West Germans and Gorbachev. The intended audience of Ronald Reagan comprised all Americans, all West Germans and people of West Berlin and their government, the Soviet Union’s leader Gorbachev, East Germany’s leaders, North America, Eastern Europe and Western Europe. The words/phrases in the speech that help in identifying the audience include the following: “Mr. Gorbachev, let us work to bring the Western and Eastern parts of the city closer together, to open Berlin still further to all Europe” (Reagan). This means that Gorbachev is one of his audiences even though he is not there in attendance. He also spoke in the German language at one point and stated that “every man is a Berliner.” Reagan also stated that “Our gathering today is being broadcast throughout North America and Western Europe” (Reagan). This implies he has audience in these regions also.
Ethos/Pathos/Logos/Rhetorical Strategies
Ethos refers to the ethical appeal, which uses the character and credibility of the author in making a case and gaining approval (Ramage, Bean and Johnson 143). President Reagan creates ethos in the speech when he legitimizes his role as a speaker by claiming that he has the “duty to speak, in this place, of freedom” (Reagan). This serves to emphasize President Ronald Reagan’s solidarity with the interests of the people of Berlin. To make a good claim, he does acknowledge the opposite viewpoints of Communists. Reagan states that "In the 1950's, Khrushchev predicted: ‘We will bury you.’ But in the West today, we see...
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