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2 pages/≈550 words
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Wendell Berry The Pleasures Of Eating Summary

Essay Instructions:

So far this semester, we have analyzed movie reviews; now we will begin analyzing articles and essays. For the purposes of this assignment, you are to select one of the essays that I have provided on Canvas for our course readings. For your brief paper, you are to perform a rhetorical analysis of your selected essay, focusing on such details as organization, style and form, the use of evidence and sources, rhetorical appeals, and any other ways the writer seeks to appeal to the audience. Additionally, be sure to indicate the type of writing it seems to be (for example, consider whether it is an example of persuasive writing), and indicate who the intended audience seems to be based upon the ways in which it is composed. In your introduction, be sure to introduce your selected essay and indicate whether you find it rhetorically effective based upon your reading and analysis. Please refer to our chapters in the textbook that deal with rhetorical analysis and how it works. If you select an essay that we have covered in class, be sure to go beyond our course discussion in your analysis. Also, be sure that you are not simply summarizing your selected essay—make analysis your central focus. The essay you select will later be part of Paper #2, which will be an analysis and synthesis of two essays.
Specific Requirements:
Your paper should:
-Adhere to the guidelines covered above;
-Be well-organized and written in a clear, formal style;
-Be free of grammatical and/or typographical errors;
-Be at least two full pages in length (try to avoid going far beyond this length);
-Be written in 12 pt. Times New Roman font and be double-spaced with one-inch margins;
-Be uploaded to Canvas as a Word document by the due date (October 3h by 11:59pm).
Please let me know if you have any questions about this assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Analysis of the Pleasures of Eating
The article titled the pleasures of Eating, by Wendell Berry describes the importance of understanding the link between eating, good agricultural practices and how to get the pleasure from food. The content is an informative article targeting people living in urban areas, advising them how they can adopt good eating practices. The author effectively presents the link between eating and planting, revealing important information about the experience of urban shoppers who are not aware of their role in the food production process. He describes urban shoppers as passive food consumers comparing their levels of passiveness with other consumers in other industries.
The comparison between patrons within the entertainment industry who entertain less and are more of passive as they depend on commercial suppliers are similar to patron within the food industry. Patrons in the food industry perceive themselves differently. The fact that food industry encourages passiveness because they grow, supply, deliver cook, begging people to eat their foods. Other important comparisons to show the levels of passiveness among consumer are the politics revolving around food, and that involving our freedom. People at times are reminded that they cannot be free if some people control their minds and voices. Similarly, people, cannot be free if our food and where it comes from are controlled by other people.
According to the author, passive consumers of food are not living in democratic conditions. The author further relates how eating has been degraded using...
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