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Greenhouse Effects on Different Sectors in the USA

Essay Instructions:

Writing Project Two: Annotated Bibliography (20% of Overall Grade)
-WP2 is documenting your research sources (tell us what they are about and why they may be useful for WP3 Research Paper
-WP3 you take your research sources and analyze what they are saying and/or arguing about your topic (explore more in-depth)

Proposal due to Blackboard (09/30) & Complete Review Form on Blackboard (10/19) – 25%
Step One: Three Source Inclusion (10/09) – 25%
Step Two: Intro Page / Other Three Source Inclusion (10/16) – 25%
Final Draft: Completed/Finalized Full Draft: Due in-class and on Turnitin (10/23) – 25%

A Precursor to the Major Research Project: Identities on the Periphery (non-mainstream, marginalized, misrepresented, etc. topic) & Contemporary American Social Issues
Objective: To demonstrate knowledge of the effectiveness of varied research sources and their relevance to contemporary American society. This will serve as the groundwork to your next two assignments. Writing Project Three will showcase your research in a full-fledged, thesis driven research paper wherein you present to your audience an original thesis on how EITHER your chosen peripheral “identity” is represented to us as an American audience, OR you will develop an original thesis argument on a currently pertinent social issue in America. Writing Project Four will be an overview portfolio of your writing projects all semester. Therefore, you will be giving your audience a glimpse into a life, or an issue with which they may not be familiar, so you have to fully inform them on any necessary information to understand your subject. In addition, you will be arguing a specific thesis, so as you research, decide upon what argument you want to establish based on your chosen identity or issue. Give us your interpretation of the significance of the subject or issue of your paper. What is the importance of this marginalized identity or social issue in America, 2017? The Annotated Bibliography will require and allow you to immerse yourself in your research so that you will have the ability to compose a valid and compelling paper for Writing Project Three. The final portfolio project will allow you to present the importance of your work, from the entire semester, to your audience, our class.
Annotated Bibliography: This will serve as a prelude to Writing Project Three. In the bibliography you will provide a short overview of your topic and your sources. You will provide 2 paragraphs which serve as a blueprint to your forthcoming paper, the Intro. page. Writing Project Three is approximately 7-8 pages, and this Annotated Bibliography should be approximately 4 pages. Beyond the introductory paragraphs, you will list your sources. There should be six sources. You will detail the Works Cited entry, a summary paragraph of the source and a discussion paragraph (evaluative) of its significance to your research project. The format for the Bibliography is covered in The Norton Field Guide, and we will carefully discuss it in class whilst looking at examples as well.
Questions to Consider: This is an assignment that will span the next three-four weeks. Therefore, you will be diligently working on it week by week. This is not a project which can be rushed; therefore, consider aspects of this assignment as you begin your work.

-Who is your topic? Juggalos
-Fans of the Insane Clown Posse / They look like clowns
-They are taking a stand against the mainstream
-Young white males
-Blue collar (Detroit)
-They have a sense of community (appearance/values)
-Non normative identity / Pride as a family unit
-Profane / Substance use
-Why are a lot of them obese?
-Juggalos as a gang?
-What does your audience already know about your subject or your issue? What do they need to be informed about?
-The audience may not know much (start researching for sources which will define and explain this group)
-What are the best outlets of information? This is a multi-faceted assignment which requires a serious approach to research. Consider what is going to persuade your audience in our current society. Will a YouTube video be convincing, given your topic, does your paper require an authoritative tone of CNN, The Washington Post, etc. or will timeless American documents such as The Declaration of Independence or ”I Have a Dream” be effective?
-Schizophrenia (Case Studies/Medical Journal/Psychology)
-Twerking (Media/Social Media/Entertainment)
-You have a lot of control over the topic and direction you take here
-What is the best way to present my work? Your efforts should match your presentation, so carefully review (Annotated Bibliographies) in The Norton Field Guide, and focus upon the examples reviewed in class.
-What is my Rhetorical Situation? Always, always, take detailed notes on the Purpose (Informative, Argumentative, Cause/Effect, Problem/Solution, etc.), Audience, Genre (Bibliography has very specific formatting requirements), Stance, and Media of your project. You will target all of these areas from the beginning to end of the project.
What Sources Not to Use:
-Wikipedia or any online dictionaries/encyclopedia, etc.
-Any source including advertisements, actively seeking revenue, and/or approaching the topic from a gossip perspective. Avoid a source which is a single opinion, not coming from a position of complete authority on your subject. (Perez Hilton, TMZ, The Daily Beast, DailyKOS, etc.)
-Any review or summary of the topic. Each source should be presenting a distinct perspective or stance.
-Any generic source (we will discuss this in class)
-YouTube, if you cannot find the name of a credible source the video came from in either the title or the abstract of the video (news/academic perspectives on the topic preferred).

What I Expect:
-Formality: This is a formal, calculated assignment. I expect you to spend time reviewing MLA and Annotated Bibliography conventions, and you will be graded heavily on the polish of your presentation.
-Introduction: Your approach to the paper should be fully thought out by this point. You have to show your audience that you have fully looked at a variety of perspectives on your topic, and you have developed a thesis based on your research. This should be a carefully constructed overview of your future paper which will efficiently yet thoroughly set up a chronological progression for your polished, finished project
-Source Mastery: Tell me in two paragraphs, what the summary of the source is, and what the source has to offer to your finished project. This should be preceded by an MLA entry for the source in proper format.
-At least 4-5 full pages overall.
-General MLA conventions in all aspects.
-One quote in your discussion of each source in proper format. These can serve as the focus of your sources in your paper.
-A balance of numerous perspectives on your topic. You want to educate your audience, not merely inform them. You also want to use your sources to strengthen your thesis.
-We will look at examples, outlines, etc. in the oncoming weeks. Attendance will be crucial to master all of the elements of the assignment which this prompt merely overviews.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Greenhouse Effects on Economic, Psychological, social and Political Sectors in the USA
Climate change especially the global warming is a worldwide challenge from the end of the ice age. The menace directly or indirectly affects every person’s way of life and health. Different nations of the world have noted numerous challenges in global conferences and summits regarding climate change. For instance, greenhouse gas emission is one of such problems due to its rise in level. Currently, there are dangerous gases released into the atmosphere due to the burning of the fossil fuels in the industries. Thus, such industrial activities encourage the buildup of higher levels of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. Global warming has different impacts on the world and its inhabitants. Such consequences include food insecurity as a result of reduced agricultural production, rising in sea levels due to rise in atmospheric temperatures, natural disasters and extinction of animal and plant species. Besides, it leads to higher rates of erosions in the coastal regions and vector-borne infections. Regarding the above-highlighted problems, greenhouse emissions present the various profound challenges to humanity regarding political, economic, and psychological and even the social systems. However, the researchers mostly delve into the natural and environmental effects of global warming without narrowing down to the greenhouse alters people's lives concerning economic changes, political processes on policies, and psychological aspects in the society. Consequently, the present study hypothesizes that greenhouse directly impacts on the high economic living, human stress, health problems and the political disagreements on policies. Thus, it investigates the greenhouse effects on economic, psychological, social and political sectors in the USA.
The following articles will form the basis of literature review for the study;
Cardwell, Francesca S., and Susan J. Elliott. "Making the links: do we connect climate change with health? A qualitative case study from Canada." BMC Public Health 13.1 (2013): 208.
Heller, Martin C., and Gregory A. Keoleian. "Greenhouse gas emission estimates of US dietary choices and food loss." Journal of Industrial Ecology 19.3 (2015): 391-401.
Kim, So Young, and Yael Wolinsky-Nahmias. "Cross-national public opinion on climate change: The effects of affluence and vulnerability." Global Environmental Politics 14.1 (2014): 79-106.
McCright, Aaron M., Riley E. Dunlap, and Sandra T. Marquart-Pyatt. "Political ideology and views about climate change in the European Union." Environmental Politics 25.2 (2016): 338-358
Moore, Frances C., and Delavane B. Diaz. "Temperature impacts on economic growth warrant stringent mitigation policy." Nature Climate Change 5.2 (2015): 127-131.
Revesz, Richard L., et al. "Global warming: Improve economic models of climate change." Nature 508.7495 (2014): 173-175.
Cardwell, Francesca S., and Susan J. Elliott. "Making the links: do we connect climate change with health? A qualitative case study from Canada." BMC Public Health 13.1 (2013): 208.
Climate change mainly due to greenhouse emission touches the various environmental and social determinants of health of a person. Therefore, Cardwell, Francesca, and Susan in their research successfully liked it to the health of human beings. The researchers noted a gap in understanding the climate change in relations to environmental health by the people which resulted in no behavior change. Thus, they shifted the various impact of climate change to health problems. Cardwell, Francesca, and Susan recruited 22 subjects from the Golden Horseshoe area of Southern Ontario in their study. The result indicated that few respondents realized the role of the environment to an individual or community health. However, the majority noted environmental issues about the health problems of the community. The respondents of about 77% indicated that health problems were the impacts due to greenhouse emission or climate change (Cardwell, Francesca and Susan 208). Therefore, the results of the study show that climate change, primarily through greenhouse emissions, is responsible for the poor health of the people in Southern Ontario hence directly affect their psychological and social aspect of the society.
About the present study, the article by Cardwell, Francesca, and Susan highlight psychological and social aspects as variables that are directly affected by climate change especially greenhouse emissions. Therefore, the material is relevant in the current study since it enriches literature review, especially on impact of climate change on health, social and psychological aspects.
Heller, Martin C., and Gregory A. Keoleian. "Greenhouse gas emission estimates of US dietary choices and food loss." Journal of Industrial Ecology 19.3 (2015): 391-401.
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