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Cause and Effect of Global Warming

Essay Instructions:

Write a cause and effect paragraph essay; five paragraphs. My Topic for the essay is (Global Warming).

•MLA format
•English 1A
Double spaces

For the first paragraph for the essay I need a thesis approximately 8-12 sentences. It should include a detailed statement as to the meaning and significance of the topic. Be specific, as the thesis forms the foundation of the paper. Finally, I should have a parameter sentence indicating the cause and three effects.
The next three body paragraph should be supporting paragraphs arguing the effects of my cause which is, “global warming.” Using 3 sources. ONE for each body paragraph, it could be book source, internet source, periodical, etc.
•first body paragraph effect should be about the Melting of glaciers.
• second body paragraph effect should be Droughts.
•Last body paragraph effect should be about diseases.

The last paragraph summarizes, in different words, the effects that I chose presented in the paper. Write an effective concluding sentence that makes the reader think carefully about the subject.
Paper should conclude with “work cited” page that include the three sources I mentioned for the body paragraphs. Careful with fragments, run on etc.

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Cause and effect of global warming
Global warming is the unusual increase in the average temperatures of the earth and the atmosphere, rising from 0.6 to 0.9 degrees. The increase began one to two centuries ago and is continually growing year after year. All through history, the earth warmed and cooled systematically, while climate changed because of varied sun energy received. However, today, human being species has become the biggest threat to the earth by propelling its most significant source. As the onset of the Industrial Revolution, human activities have prominently resulted in the production of greenhouse gasses, carbon dioxide, and other air pollutants that when released to the atmosphere, instead of absorbing harmful solar radiations and sunlight, they trap the heat from the sun, thereby, creating a hot environment experienced presently. With persons increasing the production of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants to the atmosphere at an alarming rate, it has instigated melting of glaciers, drought, and diseases.
First, global warming elicits the melting of glaciers. Glaciers refer to the rivers containing compressed snow that have existed throughout history, and that shapes the planet by harboring the most abundant freshwater reservoir and being part of the landscape. Glaciers are crucial to the environment as they act like air conditioners for the climate. However, National Snow and Ice Data Center extensive research shows that glaciers are slowly reducing in many mountainous areas worldwide. Numerous Alps and mountains have lost their surface areas due to global warming. For instance, the European Alps have lost forty percent; the New Zealand Southern Alps twenty-five percent while Mt. Kenya has lost sixty percent of its glaciers since 1850 (National Snow & Ice Data Center). Scientists attribute such high losses of ice to the atmosphere becoming warm. Further, they consider the practices of producing electricity using coal and petroleum and use of fossil fuels in industries and transportation, as having increased the amounts of greenhouse gases emitted over the past two hundred years. As a result, the gases trap the heat coming from the earth while the atmosphere absorbs heat radiated from the planet, precipitating a warmed up environment. The environment disrupts the strengthening and weakening of the tropospheric westerlies surrounding these mountains, thereby instituting pressure configurations that consequence in flow anomalies.
Second, drought consequences due to global warming. Drought occurs because of reduced amounts of rainfall and increased evaporation. Human emissions increase occurrences of heat waves that change the pattern of rainfall. Thus, the wet areas experience mo...
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