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Rhetorical Analysis of Hipsters

Essay Instructions:

The full draft of your paper should have the following elements:

  1. An introduction that includes (a) a brief summary of the text, (b) contextual information about the text, and (c) your thesis about the text’s rhetorical effect
  2. A series of body paragraphs that develop the thesis by (a) discussing specific rhetorical features that produce the rhetorical effect and (b) providing specific textual evidence to back up your points
  3. A conclusion that makes clear (a) the effect and effectiveness of the text as a whole (for example, how well does the writer achieve the purpose, appeal to the audience, and demonstrate the effect of style on content?) and (b) why the insights of your analysis are significant to others

Format and Guidelines
No outside sources for this essay. You must only use the text that you are rhetorically analyzing. Papers must be a minimum of 4 double spaced pages, conforming to MLA style guidelines, and stapled. All papers must include a Work Cited entry (which you can include on the bottom of your last page).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Rhetorical Analysis
The article “Hipsters: Rebellion Commodified” was written by Rene Bogovic of the University of Toronto. Bogovic is a graduate of the mentioned university, and the article was presented a research project for the institution. The material was published for several good reasons. First, it covers the issue of hipsters as a subculture in a clear and concise manner. Besides, it explores how the market economy is affected by the rebellious energy of the hipsters. Moreover, the article investigates the contexts within which the hipsters emerged and the kind of influence they had. There are three contexts and include, the food culture, the marginalized groups, and life in the suburban areas. The study generally aims to bring a change to society by revealing the various ways in which hipsters affect market forces through resistance and help get a solution to the problem. A combination of all these reasons contributed to the publishing of this material since it is quite evident that it has great relevance to society as a whole. The persuasive nature of the article is also the other reason for it being published since it engages the use of rhetorical elements in ensuring credibility, authenticity and hence believability. The material was published in recent years, even though the exact date of publication has not been given. Evidently, it was published at the University of Toronto in Ontario Canada. The information was gathered using a combination of the knowledge and experiences of the author himself, and largely from using ideas from the researches done by others. A great part of the work uses ideas and findings from other people and that are used as a means of analyzing the present topic.
Rhetorical Analysis of Hipsters
In the article Hipsters Rebel, the author Rene Bogovic addresses a new subculture of people that tend to prefer following their ways and fashions in a manner that introduces into the market economy some rebellious energy. Ideally, these are people who do not conform to the norms, but rather seek ways to break free from the mainstream culture. The paper covers three aspects that tend to influence the hipster subculture. These are identified as their relationship with food, their hatred for life in the suburbs and their perceptions and relationship with marginalized groups. All these factors played a role in the emergence of the hipsters. Lastly, the article shows how culture and counterculture are shaped by neo-liberalism, which in this case is represented by the hipster subculture. Generally, the article is very informative as far as the hipsters are concerned, and the author also employs the use of the key rhetorical features to make the work more persuasive. The article uses ethos to increase its credibility, pathos in appealing to the emotions of the audience and logos by giving carefully reasoned details about the topic. The use of the rhetorical elements of pathos, ethos, and logos in Bogovic’s article helps make this work very persuasive, credible and believable.
The article uses the rhetorical element of pathos to appeal to the values and emotions of the audience. In order to achieve this, the author uses first-person narration in the paper in order to show that he has experience about what he is talking about. For instance, the author says, “I include an assortment of both academic and magazine articles, hoping to paste together a coherent picture” (Bogovic 4). The author goes further to explain what the paper will be about using the first person. The use of the first person, in this case, aids in making the arguments more believable and convincing to the audience. The addition of the personal element is important in appealing to the emotions and values of the...
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